Vapaus Bikes Finland Oy

Research study: Employee benefit bike users cycle over five times more than the average Finn

State of the Benefit Bikes in Finland
79% have increased their cycling after acquiring a benefit bike Vapaus

A recent survey indicates that employee benefit bike users cover an average distance of 1,217 kilometers per year.

In contrast, according to Traficom (The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency), the average distance cycled by Finns annually is 234 kilometers. This suggests that benefit bike users cycle over five times the distance compared to other Finns!

This finding comes from Vapaus, a Finnish employee benefit bike & service provider, and their latest research titled ‘State of the Benefit Bikes in Finland 2024’. Nearly 4,600 benefit bike users from all over Finland participated in the survey.

But is it only those who already cycle a lot that opt for the employee benefit bicycles? No, that is not the case at all. According to the survey, acquiring a benefit bike motivates people to cycle more. Approximately 43% of respondents reported a significant increase in cycling after acquiring a benefit bike, whereas 36% estimated a slight increase in their cycling activity.

In total, to conclude, a remarkable 79% of respondents have increased their cycling since getting an employee benefit bicycle.

‘The growth of benefit bikes indicates that people want to take care of their well-being, health, and the environment. They aim to improve their fitness levels whilst also simultaneously reducing their carbon footprint,’ summarises Tero Era, CEO of Vapaus.

Benefit bikes contribute to improved fitness and reduced car usage 

56% of respondents reported an improvement in their physical health and fitness after adopting a benefit bike.

A whopping 46% of all respondents who drive a car state that they have reduced their car usage since acquiring a benefit bicycle. On average, the reduction has been 42 kilometers per week. Approximately 8% of respondents stated that they do not drive a car at all.

In Finland, there are already over 80,000 benefit bike users. If the survey results are generalised to all Finnish benefit bike users, in a year it would mean nearly 74 million kilometres less travelled by a private car.

Users of electric bicycles have reduced their car usage more (43 km/week) than regular bicycle users (37 km/week).

Where do benefit bikers pedal to and why?

Benefit bike users come in all shapes and sizes, and their reasons for cycling vary. Outdoor activities and exploring nature are the primary reasons cited by respondents. This was mentioned by 74% of all respondents. Nearly as essential is improving physical fitness (73%).

For many, the benefit bike is a way to get from one place to another – especially between home and work. Approximately 41% of respondents cycle their commute daily or several times a week. 78% of respondents cycle their commute at least occasionally.

There are many reasons for regular commuting by bike. Health reasons are chosen by as many as 78% of respondents. Following on the list are enjoyment of cycling (62%) and financial savings (45%).

What kind of benefit bikes are Finns choosing?

A little over 40% have opted for mountain bikes, whilst the combined share of versatile hybrid (17%), gravel (15%), and city bikes (11%) is also over 40%. Versatility is important, as people want a bike that can be used both for leisure and commuting.

About 70% of all benefit bikes are electrically assisted. According to the data from Vapaus, the average price of a benefit bike is 3,286 euros.

‘It's great to see that even such an old invention as the bicycle is making a comeback with e-bikes. They make cycling easier, faster, and more fun. Cycling becomes more easily integrated into everyday life with an e-bike,’ says Lotta Vänskä, responsible for marketing at Vapaus.

Benefit bikes are not just for commuting to work, but can be used for any kinds of bike rides. In fact, many people primarily get the benefit bike for recreational use. Others combine fun with utility.

The most popular type of a benefit bike is a full-suspension mountain bike - whilst it’s also suitable for commuting and everyday riding, its true home is in the woods and on the trails.

There are significant differences between the types of bicycles chosen by genders: According to the data from Vapaus, for example, as many as 28% of men have chosen a full-suspension mountain bike, compared to only 8% of the women.

Among women, hybrid, hardtail mountain bikes and city bikes are clearly the most popular types of bicycles. 

‘Based on the survey results and our data, it can be concluded that men are more likely to acquire their dream hobby bike, whereas women often go for a more practical choice,’ Vänskä explains.

According to the data from Vapaus, the average price of a benefit bike is 3,286 euros, and men tend to purchase bikes that are on average 15% more expensive than those purchased by women.

Even up to 93% would recommend the bike benefit to their colleague

The vast majority of Finnish benefit bike users would recommend the benefit to their colleagues – almost two-thirds "very likely." Overall, over 93% lean towards being recommenders, and the average willingness to recommend is 4.6/5.

‘This result says a lot about how popular the benefit is in workplaces. It is fair to all employees, and everyone can acquire exactly the bike that they want and use it in their own way – for commuting, daily transportation, or simply just for leisure purposes," Era reflects.

Are Finnish workplaces bike-friendly?

The majority of respondents consider their workplace to be at least somewhat bike-friendly: the average rating is 4.1/5.

All respondents who participated in the survey work in organisations that already offer the bicycle benefit to their employees. This is, of course, an excellent starting point for a bike-friendly workplace and undoubtedly raises the average bike-friendliness compared to others.

‘There are already more benefit bike users than company car users. Increasingly, more and more workplaces offer the opportunity to take advantage of the bike benefit. Benefit bikes are here to stay, and that is absolutely in everyone's best interest,’ Era says.

So, how can workplaces become even more bike-friendly? The benefit bike community has spoken: a better bike storage or bike parking facility is clearly the most desired improvement – this was mentioned by as many as 44% of respondents.

‘No one wants to store a bike worth several thousand euros just anywhere. Leaving it outdoors also leaves it at the mercy of the weather. Especially owners of e-bikes value indoor storage and charging facilities,’ Era explains.

Summary – Highlights of the Research Results

  • 79% have increased their cycling after acquiring a benefit bike.

  • The average distance cycled by benefit bike users in 2023 was 1,217 km. Benefit bike users cycle over five times the distance compared to other Finns – the Finnish average being 234 km.

  • 46% report reducing their car usage after acquiring a benefit bike. On average, the reduction in car usage has been 42 km per week.

  • 41% cycle their commute daily or several times a week. Women are more frequent commuter cyclists than men.

  • 56% feel that their physical fitness has improved after acquiring a benefit bike.

  • 93% of benefit bike users would recommend the benefit to their colleagues.

  • Overall savings are the primary reason for choosing a benefit bike over direct purchase (62% of respondents). Nearly as essential is the fact that no down payment is required for the purchase (58%).

  • 77% state that a bike of similar quality would likely not have been purchased without the bicycle benefit.

  • The average price of a benefit bike is 3,286 euros – men typically choose a bicycle 15% more expensive than women.

  • 70% of benefit bikes are electrically assisted. The older the user, the more likely the bicycle is electrically assisted.

  • Two-thirds of benefit bike users are men. However, the proportion of women has almost doubled in the past two years.

  • The average age of a Finnish benefit bike user is 43.4 years.

Information about the study

The ‘State of the Benefit Bikes in Finland 2024’ report (available in Finnish, but will be published soon in English) is the most extensive survey to date regarding benefit bikes in Finland: the respondents (n=4,598) represent a significant portion of Finland's total of over 80,000 benefit bike users. The report provides a comprehensive insight into the experiences, attitudes, and behaviours related to cycling and the use of the employee bicycle benefit.

Why are benefit bicycles being acquired? Who acquires them? What kind of benefit bikes do people choose? Electric or non-electric? Are the bicycles used for commuting, daily errands, or leisure rides? Are people satisfied with their bicycles and the bicycle benefit itself? How has acquiring a benefit bike affected their well-being and mobility habits? Has car usage decreased?

And what are the expectations of the benefit bike users for their employers in creating a more cycling-friendly workplace?

How the research was conducted?

A survey was sent via email to users of Vapaus benefit bicycles. The responses (n=4,598) were collected in March 2024.

Additionally, the report utilises Vapaus' own data, i.e. information that already previously existed about benefit bikes provided by Vapaus and their users.

The report also refers to the benefit bicycle statistics collected by Statistics Finland and findings from Traficom's (The Finnish Transport and Communications Agency) passenger traffic research.




State of the Benefit Bikes in Finland
79% have increased their cycling after acquiring a benefit bike


About Vapaus

Vapaus is at the forefront of sustainable mobility services and has been a pioneer in the Employee Benefit Bikes sector since late 2020. Vapaus boasts a mature and scalable business model, evident in its remarkable growth trajectory from €4.5 million in net revenues in 2021 to an impressive €30+ million in 2023. The business is already approaching breakeven. Vapaus has been ranked 19th among Finland's 100 fastest-growing companies and was selected among four gold winners in the 5th edition of the European Startup Prize for Mobility, out of over 700 applicants.

Vapaus has successfully automated the entire process through its technology platform covering payroll, invoicing, logistics, insurance, and financing. Vapaus focuses on international expansion primarily to penetrate the Swedish market and invests heavily in platform automation, which improves the overall user experience.

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