Pertin Valinta

OAF 2024 program is out!


Outsider Art Festival OAF is the fourth edition of the urban festival celebrating equality on 15-25 August 2024. OAF is a partner of the Helsinki Festival, which traditionally opens on the Night of the Arts. OAF presents a diverse and captivating mix of music, visual arts, performing arts, film, literature and life stories.

OAF gives space to outsider art and a voice to those outside the art scene and society. OAF 2024 will present a multidisciplinary arts program in urban spaces, on the radio and online. The festival aims to promote equality by bringing people together and enabling new encounters. OAF supports hard-to-employ artists and creates new pathways to employment. The festival is produced by the outsider art production house Pertin Valinta and co-organised by Kukunori association and Autism Foundation. The visual image of the festival is designed by graphic designer Klaus Welp. Check out the festival trailer here.

OAF takes over cultural spaces in Helsinki and Espoo

In 2024, OAF takes over Helsinki and Espoo city cultural venues. Tickets for the events are on sale in ticket shops (Tiketti // links). The OAF events are accessible and safe for all. The program includes many free events and online programming. See the festival website for more detailed event information here. The program will be updated until Midsummer.

The main event venue for 2024 will be Helsinki Leipätehdas, where an experiential event complex will be built on the opening weekend in collaboration with the Cultural Centre Caisa, Tekstin Talo and Mad House Helsinki. Art exhibitions will be on display in the galleries of Caisa and Pertin Valinta, short films and music performances in Caisa, and poems and performances in Tekstin Talo. There will also be workshops, talks and DJs. Discussions will focus on themes such as power and powerlessness, mental health and dreams.


OAF events can also be experienced in Espoo, in several different locations. On the second weekend of the festival, the ensemble with three Hammond organs, Salonen-Gustavson-Gröhn will perform in Sellosali, and Kannusali will be filled with a Pertin Valinnat live show curated by Miika Turunen and Kalevi Helvetti.

OAF is a revolution of the outsiders

The OAF program is curated according to the principles of inclusive curation. This year, more than 400 artists from different disciplines applied for the festival, from which 33 artists and artist groups were selected. The artists were selected by the festival's artistic team, a multidisciplinary group of outsider artists and art mentors. Jaana Miettinen, Johanna Konttinen, Silja Pasila, Pekka Elomaa and Jani Leinonen from the visual arts team describe this year's program as particularly diverse. ”We think it highlights very well what outsider art can be."

Aleksis Salusjärvi and Sanni Purhonen, the curators of the literature program, chose to highlight non-literary literature. "It's really a revolution that opens up textual worlds of its own, a mosaic of different artists and styles. There is visual and performance poetry, new creation myths and parallel worlds created by texts. The texts are united by introspection and experientialism.”

The music program curators Riikka Hänninen, Felix Lybeck and Sami Helle were surprised by the diversity of the applicants. "The selection process was challenging but enjoyable. There were so many applicants and a huge variety of styles. It will be great to see the performers on stage in August, bringing joy to the festival guests," said Sami Helle.

Panu Prinssi Palm and Ilona Ahti curated the film program. "This year we have a truly open-minded atmosphere, with artists from diverse backgrounds showing works from their souls. The main element became nature and mankind's relationship with it. On the one hand, the relationship is dark and scary, and on the other hand fear can be faced with humour and sensitivity. There are also some otherworldly visual spectacles, which we can't help but recommend experiencing!”

Henry Saarikko and Anne Naukkarinen, curators of the performing arts program, were involved in the team for the first time. Naukkarinen discussed what performance art can be and how the definition of performance art lives on through new works and artists. According to Henry Saarikko, the curatorial work was exciting. "I didn't really know anything about curating. But it was fun and I got help at different stages of the work. I really hope that the public will find their way to the events, and that the artists will get a big round of applause!”

This year the team also included two international mentors, Jennifer Gilbert (UK) and Pierre Leichner (CA). Jennifer and Pierre reviewed the program, and selected three favorite artists, one of whom will be awarded the 2024 Artist of the Year at the opening ceremony.

This list included Satu and Maima Tani, makers of the Breathing Reef feature film, the Vaasa based songwriting duo Madde Matilda and self-taught visual artist Jussi Ruusulampi.

"Our dream is that everyone can dream"

-OAF curator Henry Saarikko

OAF 2024 Image links
Festival poster   Festival trailer   Press photos   Pictures of artworks

#outsiderart #outsiderartfestival #outsiderartfestival2024 #pertinvalinta

OAF 2024 artists Petri Keckman, Kanimators, Satu & Maima Tani, Aleksi Leskinen, Kardo Shiwan, Vahid Goodarzpour, Pure, Noora Juppi, Fri Nilas Lindell, Harold Hejazi, Minni Välipakka, Isaque Sanches, Milo Ruut, Mikael Diedrich Gripentrog, Tom Runeberg, Kristiina Murola, Collins Ngiesi, Madde Matilda, Stella Massa, Ondi, MC Zen & Urban Dream, Timjune Tianjun Li, Anton Amit, Milla Pihlajamäki, Tanja Huntus, Matti Salmela, Jussi Ruusulampi, Tonya (Ton) Melnyk & Masha Ravlyk, Ville Färsaaret, Kai-Erik Relanti and Juhani Rusanen.

OAF 2024 partners NextgenerationEu, Arts Promotion Centre, Ministry of Education and Culture, Kone Foundation, City of Helsinki, City of Espoo, WSOY, Helsinki Festival, Tiketti, Kyrö Distillery Company, Radio Helsinki, Mad House Helsinki, Cultural Centre Caisa, Tekstin talo, Bruket, Alvi ry, Hotel Glo Arts, Outshine, Grano, Sellosali, Kannusali, Exhibition Centre WeeGee, Children's Cultural Centre Aurora, Espoo Cultural Centre, Prymachenko Foundation, Arilyn, Autism Foundation, Kukunori ry.



Festival Web page
OAF Executive Director Heini Merkkiniemi / 050 5528821



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