Vaasan ammattikorkeakoulu VAMK

Hannu Vahtera is VAMK’s new President


Doctor of Economics Hannu Vahtera has been appointed as President, CEO of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. 

Aerial view of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences campus with buildings and water in the background.
Hannu Vahtera is the new President, CEO of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences. Esa Siltaloppi/ VAMK

The Board of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences has unanimously selected Doctor of Economics Hannu Vahtera as President, CEO of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences starting from 1.8.2024. The selection was decided at the board meeting on 28.5.2024.

Vahtera transfers to VAMK from the position of Research Area Director at Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences.

”It's great that we can further strengthen VAMK’s already skilled team. Hannu Vahtera has expertise and insight into the world of universities of applied sciences, as well as long-term experience in the corporate world. His goal, in particular, is to grow RDI activities”, says the Chairman of the Board Christina Knookala.

For further information:

Chairman of the VAMK Ltd Board

Christina Knookala

+358 40 556 5011 




Aerial view of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences campus with buildings and water in the background.
Hannu Vahtera is the new President, CEO of Vaasa University of Applied Sciences.

VAMK is a modern and international University of Applied Sciences situated in Vaasa. Western Finland. We provide high-level theoretical and practical oriented education in Finnish and in English, both at Bachelor level as well as professional Master´s degree level.

VAMK has over 3 700 students and out of them around 350 are international degree students. More than 45 different nationalities are represented at VAMK. 

Our university is located in the heart of Vaasa, which has more energy technology related companies than any other city in the Nordic countries. In our region, more than 160 companies work in the field of energy technology, and about 25 % of the employees of the Finnish energy sector work here. The overall turnover of these companies is about 5 billion euros annually, and therefore it is well justified to say that Vaasa keeps the wheels of Finland's economy rolling!

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