VR-Yhtymä Oyj

VR Group concludes its acquisition in Sweden – MTRX becomes VR


VR's acquisition of the long-distance train operations of MTRX has been completed today 2024-05-30. The passenger traffic between Stockholm and Gothenburg will continue, and all of the approximately 130 MTRX employees will become part of VR's long-distance operations.

The acquisition of MTR Nordic's Swedish subsidiary MTR Express (Sweden) AB and its commercial long-distance traffic operations MTRX was announced in February, and it has been approved by the Swedish Competition Authority. The integration of MTRX into VR's long-distance operations will begin immediately, and in the fall, the trains on the Stockholm-Gothenburg route will operate under the VR brand identity.

"The market for commercial long-distance traffic in Sweden is about twice the size of Finland's, and the modal share of rail transport of all passenger traffic is even double compared to Finland. I believe that this acquisition enables us to achieve profitable growth in a competitive market where customer experience is a competitive advantage. MTRX has been awarded for the best customer experience for eight years by the Swedish Quality Index and has also been recognized for its innovativeness – we want to continue this development. VR brings along its strong industry expertise and experience and together we will develop modern digital customer service channels as well as restaurant concepts for the Swedish market. I warmly welcome MTRX's employees to VR – together we will create even better services and travel experiences for the Nordic train travellers," says VR's CEO Elisa Markula.

With the acquisition, VR aims for profitable growth in line with its strategy and prepares for increasing rail competition in Finland by gaining experience from the competitive long-distance market in Sweden. The acquisition is also believed to strengthen VR's competitive position in the Swedish purchased traffic and to be visible to Finnish passengers as better services and even higher quality public transport.

MTRX has been operating in commercial open-access traffic between Stockholm and Gothenburg since 2015. The company operates with six Stadler FLIRT trains, running 126 services per week, corresponding to over one third of all services on the route. MTRX's revenue in 2022 was approximately 350 MSEK.



At VR, we promote the responsible transport of the future. We are a passenger, logistics and maintenance service company owned by the Finnish state, and we increase the popularity of carbon-neutral rail and city traffic. We ensure smooth daily travel in Finland and Sweden and act as a pillar of support for industry in Finland’s logistics. In 2023, our customers made a total of 15.1 million journeys on long-distance trains with us, and we transported 23.4 million tonnes of goods by rail. Our net sales amounted to EUR 1,224.1 million and we employed approximately 9,100 top professionals. Further information: 

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