STT enhances press release service STT Info with AI assistant
STT Communication Services has launched new artificial intelligence features in Finland's leading press release service, STT Info. The AI assistant helps out the press officer when needed, but an actual human being is always in charge of the final result.
The AI assistant of the press release service STT Info can create a headline or leadtext based on the body text of a release. Additionally, it can edit existing text, translate the release into another language or add an alt-text to an image in the release. The AI assistant became available to STT Info's customers on May 30.
The AI assistant is called upon separately by the users as needed. The control over creating and editing the press releases remains with the user.
– The new feature does not mean that the AI will write and send press releases to media. The responsibility for the content and sending of the releases still belongs to the service's users, emphasizes STT Communication Services Development Director Olli Vesala.
– AI assistant is there to support the person writing a press release. It can suggest a better headline or create needed metadata for the release.
According to STT's AI policy, the public must be able to trust the text and image produced and delivered by the news agency in all circumstances. STT Communication Services is one of the three business units of STT and offers services to a large number of customers. STT newsroom and journalism are totally separated from this business unit. STT newsroom does not use AI in journalistic information gathering
– We encourage the clients of our press release service to be transparent and let the receivers know, if AI has been used in the creation of their releases, adds Vesala.
Hundreds of organizations from public administration to businesses and third sector use the press release service STT Info. AI assistant won't be available for the regulatory filing service integrated into STT Info.
AI offers many possibilities in the press release service development. The new AI assistant helps communicators with daily tasks, but broader integration of AI into STT Info is also possible, says Olli Vesala, who is in charge of the service's development.
– In the development of AI features, we aim to ensure that the user gets the most benefit. But we also consider integrity, trustworthiness and data security to be critically important.
AI was used in creating the first version of this press release based on Finnish press release. AI assistant was also used in the headline drafting and creating alt-text for the main image and press release keywords.
Olli VesalaDevelopment Director, STT Communication Services
Tel:+358443009151olli.vesala@stt.fiAlternative languages
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