
Summer means changes to the opening hours of Kela’s customer service points


It is a good idea to handle Kela-related matters in our e-service My Kela or by phone also in summer. The opening hours of many of Kela’s customer service points will change for the summer.

Some of Kela's customer service point will have changes to their opening hours during the summer. Summer opening hours will be phased in starting from June and will end by 30 September 2024 or earlier.

See for up-to-date information about the opening hours. There is also a summary table showing the 2024 summer opening hours of Kela’s customer service points (pdf).

Customer service online or by phone

You can handle most situations for which you need Kela online: you can apply for benefits, check decisions, view payment dates for benefits and send supporting documentation or messages to Kela. A chatbot on Kela’s website is available for advice 24/7 on such benefits as social assistance, general housing allowance, student benefits and benefits for families with children. Kela also provides service on Facebook and Instagram.

If you cannot find an answer to your question on the internet, you can call Kela’s customer service number. Customer service is available by phone every day 9–16. Our customer service is closed on Midsummer’s Eve, 21 June 2024. You can handle the same Kela-related matters by phone as by visiting a customer service point.

Services in the Sami languages in summer

Kela’s customer service number for speakers of Skolt Sami are open Thursdays 9–11 at 020 634 4795 (closed 17 June–5 July and 29 July–9 August 2024). The customer service number for speakers of Northern Sami is closed for the time being.

Sami-speaking customers can also leave a contact request by email at

How do I contact Kela if my nearest customer service point is closed?

If you cannot go online or use the phone and your nearest Kela customer service point is closed, you have a number of other options. First, many cities and towns have a service point operated jointly by several government authorities that can provide general advice on Kela-related matters. Advice in Kela-related matters is also provided by many Ohjaamo and Lähitori guidance centres and service centres.

Kela’s remote service is also available in many locations. This means a computer through which you can contact Kela employees via a video and audio connection. The remote service is comparable to service at one of Kela’s customer service points.

You can send mail to Kela at Kela, PL 10, 00056 KELA.

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Kela's Communications UnitFor media enquiries, please contact us between 9:00 and 16:00, Monday to Friday. This number can be used for interview requests, which we will be happy to forward to an appropriate source at Kela. You can also submit interview requests by email.

Tel:+358 20 634

Kela has a responsibility to provide basic support in life’s ups and downs to everyone covered by the Finnish social security system.

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