
What is changing in the retail sale of alcoholic beverages after 10 June 2024?


Parliament has approved the amendments to the Alcohol Act concerning the increase of the percentage limit for fermented alcoholic beverages sold under licence in retail stores as of 5 June 2024. The amendments will enter into force on 10 June 2024.

From 10 June 2024 onwards, retail trade licence holders may sell in their retail outlets such as stores and restaurants fermented alcoholic beverages containing up to 8% alcohol by volume in addition to alcoholic beverages containing 5.5% alcohol by volume. They do not need to apply for a separate licence from the Regional State Administrative Agency due to the amendment. Any retail trade licence applications that are currently being processed concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages containing up to 5.5% alcohol by volume are also considered to concern a retail trade licence for the sale of fermented alcoholic beverages containing up to 8% alcohol by volume.

As of 7 June 2024, alcoholic beverage producers and wholesalers can start delivering alcoholic beverages to retail outlets in accordance with the new law. The retail trade licence numbers concerning the sale of alcoholic beverages containing up to 5.5% alcohol by volume included in the licence register will not change, and fermented alcoholic beverages containing up to 8% alcohol by volume may be delivered to these retailers for sale. The licence information and application forms in the alcohol trade register and the related e-services will be updated to correspond to the amendment to the Alcohol Act. In the near future, Valvira will also update its general guidelines on the retail sale, serving, marketing and labelling of alcohol products to reflect the amendment.

Read more in this Ministry of Social Affairs and Health news item (in Finnish).

For further information at Regional State Administrative Agencies, please contact:

  • Regional State Administrative Agency customer service

      Please contact us using this form:   Questions for the Regional State Administrative Agency customer service

     +358 295 016 780 (Finnish)

     +358 295 016 781 (Swedish) (Finnish) (Swedish)

For further information at Valvira, please contact:

  1. Kari Kunnas, Head of Unit, +358 295 209 610 (retail, serving, marketing)
  2. Eeva Saari, Head of Unit, +358 295 209 515 (production, wholesale)

     Email addresses are in the format

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