
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre’s economic impact on Helsinki metropolitan area EUR 187 million – an increase of 46% compared to the previous year


Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre brings both experiential encounters and Euros to the Helsinki metropolitan area. Last year, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre significantly increased its income and employment impact.

In 2023, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre generated a revenue stream of EUR 187 million and 2,535 person-years of employment to the Helsinki metropolitan region. The corresponding figures for 2022 were EUR 128 million and 1,740 person-years. The results are shown in a calculation published by market research company Taloustutkimus.

– Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre has a significant economic impact on the entire surrounding area. Our economically and socially responsible business supports sustainable growth and provides, among other things, job opportunities for people from different backgrounds. At Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, we do socially significant business, as demonstrated by, among others, our growing impact on income and employment in the Helsinki metropolitan area,” says Anni Vepsäläinen, CEO at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre.

Exhibitors and visitors at various fairs spend money on for instance restaurants, cafés, accommodation, travel and local shops. The economic impact figures do not take into account transactions made at exhibitions and their impact on the economy.

The study on the income and employment impact of exhibitions 2023 was commissioned by The Association of Trade Fair and Event Organisers in Finland and carried out by Taloustutkimus Oy.

Growth through encounters

In its strategy, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre has set sustainable growth as its main target. The growth strategy sets out the mission of growth through encounters.

– In practice, this means promoting our customers’ business, providing inspiration to our visitors and strengthening our business community in a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable way,” Vepsäläinen emphasises.

In 2023, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre hosted 61 trade fairs and 486 meetings, congresses and other special events. Last year also a completely new facility and service concept, the BÖLE Arena & Club, was launched. In 2023, more than 870 000 visitors attended the events organized at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre.

The Global Exhibitions Day, organized by The Global Association of the Exhibition Industry UFI, will be celebrated on Wednesday 5 June. Read more:

Further information:
CEO Anni Vepsäläinen, +358 400 400 074,

Information Specialist Antti Karjunen, +358 50 574 3444, 

Photos of Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre and events 

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre is committed to long-term work in the areas of economic, social and environmental responsibility. In 2023, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre generated a revenue stream of EUR 187 million to the Helsinki metropolitan area, and the employment impact of exhibition activities was 2,535 person-years. In 2009, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre was the first Finnish event organizer to be certified according to ISO 14001.Sustainability is a key element in Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre’s strategy, which states that sustainability is first and foremost a matter of action. | Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. The real social media. | @messukeskus



Tietoja julkaisijasta

Helsingin Messukeskus on Suomen elämyksellisin tapahtumakortteli ja vaikuttavin kohtaamismedia. Onnistuneet kohtaamiset jättävät vahvan muistijäljen ja tuottavat kiistatonta tulosta. Suomen suurin tapahtumajärjestäjä tuottaa laadukkaita tapahtumia sekä vuokraa tilojaan ja palvelujaan erilaisten tapahtumien areenaksi. Messukeskuksen itse tuottamia tapahtumia ovat mm. Habitare, Helsingin Kirjamessut, Educa, FinnBuild, Matkamessut ja Vene Båt. Vierastapahtumina Messukeskuksen tiloissa järjestetään mm. Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, Koiramessut sekä lukuisia kansainvälisiä kongresseja ja yritystapahtumia vuosittain. Tilat käsittävät 7 hallia, 40 muuntuvaa kokoustilaa, 21 ravintolaa ja oman tapahtumahotellin. Omistajayritys Suomen Messut Oyj perustettiin vuonna 1919. | Messukeskus. The real social media. | @messukeskus

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for various occasions/ for a wide variety of occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Nordic Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congress and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel.The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |  Messukeskus. The real social media | @messukeskus 

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