Digital Workforce Services Oyj

Digital Workforce Announces Strategic Partnership with to Deliver AI Agents on its Outsmart Platform


Press release 2 July 2024

ital Workforce Announces Strategic Partnership with to Deliver AI Agents on its Outsmart Platform

Digital Workforce, a leader in process automation services, is thrilled to announce a partnership with, the pioneering enterprise AI Agent company, to integrate Sema4 AI Agents into its Outsmart business process automation platform. This marks a significant advancement in holistic business process automation, combining the strengths of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and the flexibility of Large Language Models (LLMs). AI agents enable fast and effective automation of knowledge work tasks that typically require intensive manual processes.

Revolutionizing Automation

With over nine years of experience in process automation, RPA, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems, Digital Workforce is at the forefront of this transformative change, where rule-based pre-trained RPA robots become more powerful when paired with GenAI-powered agents. The introduction of Sema4 AI Agents to its customers provides a new dimension of automation, going beyond tasks to processes and to complex workflows that were previously unattainable with traditional RPA alone. By harnessing the power of LLMs, Sema4 AI Agents can transform how knowledge work is executed and help create value by freeing up resources and accelerating innovation. 

Seamless Integration and Enhanced Capabilities

AI Agents are designed to work seamlessly alongside existing process automation and RPA solutions and extend their capabilities. Organizations can continue leveraging their current automation technology investments while exploring expansion and new automation opportunities with AI Agents. enables enterprises to build, run, and manage intelligent AI Agents by allowing teams to create built-for-purpose AI agents that can act against enterprise data and systems using LLMs.

Key features of Sema4 AI Agents include:

  • Reasoning: AI Agents break down work into smaller, manageable subtasks and plans, mimicking human thought processes.
  • Collaboration: Agents collaborate with other agents and humans using natural language, enhancing the overall workflow.
  • Actions: Leveraging automation-as-code, AI Agents can connect to enterprise data and applications to get work done
  • Flexibility: From simple rule-based tasks to complex operations involving unstructured data, AI Agents bring a new level of flexibility to automation.
  • Resilience: AI Agents are designed to be resilient to changes, ensuring long-term reliability in dynamic environments.
  • Security: Ensuring data integrity and protection throughout automated processes.

By pairing Digital Workforce’s Outsmart Platform with’s ability to power the complete AI Agent lifecycle, enterprises can now seamlessly manage, orchestrate, and monitor all their automated workflows and AI Agents processes in a secure, efficient, and effective operation.

“The GenAI-powered AI Agents within the Outsmart platform open up numerous new opportunities for automation. On average, our clients have been able to improve their profitability by 2-3% utilizing pure RPA, while 8-10% has been the state-of-the-art performance for the best. There are indications that the results can multiply with the new Agentic AI tools. The appetite for automation is growing, and Digital Workforce is committed to leading this evolution by offering the best combination of tools to achieve this. Sema4’s approach to agentic automation is unique, and with their background in open-source, data management, distributed systems, application development, and RPA, they have the right building blocks to succeed,” said Karli Kalpala, Head of Strategy Transformation at Digital Workforce.

“AI agents present a generational shift in how we build software, interact with computers, and how we expect AI to transform knowledge work. Digital Workforce is one of the pioneers in enterprise process automation, and they have seen first-hand the possibilities and the growth of the industry over the years. We think that by combining Sema4’s AI agent capabilities with Digital Workforce’s expertise in process automation, we can help organizations take advantage of this breakthrough and guide them to the new era of meaningful human-AI collaboration,” said Antti Karjalainen, Co-Founder of

Want to Know More?

Digital Workforce encourages organizations to take action and explore the new capabilities offered by Sema4 AI Agents. This partnership promises to transform knowledge work, not by replacing RPA processes but by enhancing and leveraging them within a broader AI-driven strategy.

For more information, please contact:

Karli Kalpala, Head of Strategy Transformation, Digital Workforce, p. +358 50 537 8707,

About Digital Workforce Services Plc

Digital Workforce Services Plc is a leading business process automation services and technology solution provider globally. Digital Workforce Outsmart services and technology solution suites allow organizations to save costs, accelerate digitalization, increase revenue, improve customer experience, and gain a competitive advantage. Globally, over 250 large customers use Digital Workforce’s services and technologies to transform their businesses with automation. Founded in 2015, Digital Workforce currently employs over 200 business automation specialists in the US, UK & Ireland, and Northern and Central Europe. Digital Workforce is publicly listed in Nasdaq First North Growth Market Finland.

About is on a mission to enable Fortune 2000 enterprises to build, run and manage intelligent AI Agents that transform how people work.'s category-defining AI Agents connect context to action, changing how knowledge work gets done in the enterprise. is where the promise of AI meets the potential of people.


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