Turun Musiikkijuhlat / Turun Musiikkijuhlasäätiö sr

Turku Music Festival cleans up on Clean Beach with Logomo and HC TPS


The Turku Music Festival, Logomo and ice hockey club HC TPS joined forces in a ‘Clean Beach’ cleanup spree on Wednesday 12 June.

Siisti Biitsi [Clean Beach] is a programme devised by the non-profit association Keep the Archipelago Tidy for cleaning up Finland’s shores. The purpose of the programme is to physically clean up shorelines, to raise public awareness about waste in the water washing up on shores and to combine concrete care for the environment with a fun day out. Cleanup sprees can be organised by any association, society, club, hobby group, school, local authority, business or private individual. The Clean Beach programme is both about cleaning up beaches and waterfronts and about finding out what kinds of litter and waste are found on shores. The volunteers performing the actual cleanup have a vital role to play in this.

Eveliina Salminen, Sales and Marketing Manager of the Turku Music Festival, is pleased to have been able to organise one of these events and appreciates how willing the people at Logomo and HC TPS were to join in. “We are excited about being a part of something so important. Environmental protection is something we all need to care about, and I hope that in this way we can make a contribution to a cleaner and more sustainable future. Doing things together in a community spirit is crucial for attaining meaningful results in environmental protection,” she says.

Logomo is a venue for some concerts of the Turku Music Festival this year, making it a fitting partner for the cleanup spree. Logomo is a Climate Partner of the City of Turku, as is the Festival.

“We were thrilled when Eveliina presented us with the challenge of joining a cleanup spree. We feel that Logomo, as a newly created Climate Partner of the City of Turku, is a major player in the city and therefore has an obligation not only to be sustainable in our own operations but also to make concrete contributions to the wellbeing of the city and of its residents,” says Mari Pirilä, Marketing Manager at Logomo.

The HC TPS ice hockey club also came on board to help clean up the city.

Oscar Jankes, Media Producer at HC TPS, comments: “The Clean Beach event was an excellent opportunity for us to contribute to the wellbeing of the community. It was a brilliant example of how we can come together to promote responsible values and sustainable development. Thanks to the Turku Music Festival and to Logomo for creating an event that was both enjoyable and successful.”

We encourage everyone living in and around Turku to participate in Clean Beach cleanup sprees for a cleaner archipelago! To organise an event of your own, go to siistibiitsi.fi.




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