DNA survey: Enormous surge in the use of Do Not Disturb mode in the past year


Over a third of 16–24-year-old Finns have cut down on the time they spend on their phone or the Internet, reveals DNA’s Digital Life 2024 survey of over 1,000 respondents. The most popular ways of cutting down on screen time are engaging in other pastimes, restricting phone usage before bed and keeping one’s phone muted for at least part of the day. The method that has gained the most traction since last year has been the use of Do Not Disturb mode. Last year, the mode was used by 16% of respondents who were restricting their digital device use. Now, that proportion has climbed to 27%.

The Digital Life survey, produced jointly by DNA and Nepa, was conducted using an online panel from 18 to 27 March 2024.
The Digital Life survey, produced jointly by DNA and Nepa, was conducted using an online panel from 18 to 27 March 2024. DNA

The survey demonstrates how young people are likely to feel both the positive and negative effects of digital technologies stronger than other age groups. People aged 16–24 are eager and quick to adopt new digital services (57%) and want to do more things online or on the move (53%), more than any other age group. On the other hand, more than half of respondents in the youngest age group feel that getting away from the Internet can be difficult and that constant engagement with digital services negatively affects their ability to concentrate.

“The study shows clear differences in app usage between age groups. People under the age of 25 make extensive use of music, streaming and other entertainment apps, while app usage among older age groups is more concentrated around functional apps for purposes like banking, navigation and data security. Digital services are a good servant but a bad master, which is why it’s gratifying to see young adults consciously seeking out a good balance between their virtual and real lives”, says Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability and Brand Development at DNA.

Popularity of social media and news fasting on the decline

Respondents who restricted the time they spent on their phones or the Internet were asked in a follow-up question about the methods they use. Respondents could select more than one answer. The most common way of restricting phone and Internet time was engaging in other pastimes (52%). In addition, approximately two in five tried to cut down on screen time specifically before bed, and a similar proportion kept their phones muted for at least part of the day. The popularity of social media and news fasting has fallen from last year, but the number of respondents using Do Not Disturb mode has almost doubled.

“The survey results show Finns’ growing desire to engage in digital life on their own terms. It appears that more and more people want to set clear boundaries: ‘Now I’m reachable and online. Now I’m not.’ This is a welcome and desirable trend. Digital technologies have made information so readily available that unrestrained exposure can start putting strain on individuals. To avoid this, it is important that everyone carefully weighs how much digital content is right for them”, Wahlbeck says.

DNA’s Digital Life survey:

The Digital Life survey, produced jointly by DNA and Nepa, was conducted using an online panel from 18 to 27 March 2024. Its aim is to find out how Finns use different digital services as well as their experience regarding digital inclusion. The annual survey received 1,018 responses from Finns over the age of 15. The survey has been conducted since 2013.


Media enquiries:

Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability & Brand Development, DNA Plc, tel. +358 (0)44 040 1671, vilhelmiina.wahlbeck@dna.fi

DNA Corporate Communications: tel. +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi


The Digital Life survey, produced jointly by DNA and Nepa, was conducted using an online panel from 18 to 27 March 2024.
The Digital Life survey, produced jointly by DNA and Nepa, was conducted using an online panel from 18 to 27 March 2024.
Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability & Brand Development, DNA Plc
Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability & Brand Development, DNA Plc

DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.7 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2023, our total revenues was EUR 1,067 million and we employed about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, X @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.

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