Kansallisgalleria / Finlands Nationalgalleri / Finnish National Gallery

Combine24: The Finnish National Gallery announces the shortlisted artworks for the generative art competition.


The international generative art competition Combine24, organized by the Finnish National Gallery, attracted participants from 47 countries. Participants used the Finnish National Gallery's copyright-free collection data to create new generative artworks. The ten shortlisted artworks can now be viewed on the competition website. They will also be visible in an exhibition in Vallila, Helsinki from September 20th to October 26th, 2024. The competition winners will be announced on October 4th, 2024.

Gray stone wall with three monochrome Combine24 posters.
The submission period for the competition ended in May 2024. Finnish National Gallery

Nearly one hundred works that met the evaluation criteria were submitted for phase one of the competition. The shortlist committee composed of industry experts selected ten shortlisted artworks to go forward into phase two of the competition. All of the submissions were reviewed anonymously. The ten shortlisted artworks demonstrated a particularly innovative use of the Finnish National Gallery’s CC0 licensed collection data both technically and conceptually. The shortlisted artists come from seven different countries. 

Title of Artwork: A Dance with History
Artist: Newyellow / Taiwan 
Title of Artwork: BodyArtLab
Artist: Nahuel Gerth / Germany 

Title of Artwork: Inventory Numbers
Artist: Andreas Rau / Germany 

Title of Artwork: Loom Of Reality
Artist: Ilmo Kapanen, Aarni Kapanen / Finland 

Title of Artwork: Perseverance
Artist: Blas.v /Argentina 

Title of Artwork: Portrait Robot
Artist: Roni Kaufman / Sweden 

Title of Artwork: re-frame
Artist: Agoston Nagy / Hungary 

Title of Artwork: Repetition and Noise
Artist: Jeremy Schoenherr (Jeres) / U.S.A.

Title of Artwork: The Artist Code 
Artist: Arttu Koskela (Shaderism) / Finland 

Title of Artwork: Wunderblock
Artist: Tuomo Rainio / Finland 

The shortlisted artworks can be viewed on the competition website. The artworks can also be viewed in person for free, at a temporary exhibition space in Vallila, Helsinki, from 20 September to 26 October 2024. 

Prizes and Evaluation Criteria 

A distinguished Jury will select the First and Second prize winners from the finalists, that will receive cash prizes of €10,000 and €8,000. The First prize of €10,000 is donated by the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra. The Jury will focus on the artistic and technical quality of the work, the innovative use of the Finnish National Gallery’s collection data; and the strength of the works concept in relation to the collection data.

The public will also have the opportunity to vote for their favorite artwork between 1 September and 1 October 2024, via the competition website. The winner of the Audience Favourite vote will receive a prize of €5,000. 

Overview of Schedule and Events

  • Mon 5 August 2024 Announcement of Shortlisted artworks on the competition website.  

  • Sun 1 September to Tue 1 October 2024 Audience Favorite vote open on the competition website. 

  • Wed 18 September 2024 Journalists can view the artworks and conduct interviews at the Vallila exhibition space. 

  • Fri 20 September to Sat 26 October 2024 exhibition is open to the public in Vallila, Helsinki Finland. 

  • Fri 4 October 2024 Winner’s Gala and announcement of Winners at the exhibition space.

For more information on the competition, please contact Anna Puhakka, the competition producer. For more information about the Finnish National Gallery, please contact Johanna Eiramo, Director of the Digital Finnish National Gallery programme.

Competition Partners include Highlight, the Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra, and YIT. 

Combine24 is part of the Digital National Gallery programme's web3 project. The project's funding comes from the Next Generation EU recovery fund through the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. 




Finnish National Gallery

The Finnish National Gallery is the national museum of fine arts. It operates three of Finland’s best-known museums: the Ateneum Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum. It also manages the national art collection and its archives, develops Finnish cultural heritage and promotes art to the wider public.


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