Changes in EU regulations to affect liquid limits at Helsinki Airport security control starting September 1, 2024
New EU regulation limits the amount of liquids passengers can carry in their hand luggage to 100-millilitre containers when travelling through EU airports, including Helsinki Airport, beginning September 1, 2024.

Under the revised rules, passengers will be prohibited from carrying individual liquid containers exceeding 100 ml in their hand luggage. However, the total amount of liquids allowed in hand luggage at Helsinki Airport will remain two litres per passenger. These items can be kept inside the hand luggage during the security screening. The new regulation does not affect the rules for other items in hand luggage, such as electronics, sharp objects, liquids needed for medical purposes, baby food, and special dietary requirements. Additionally, this rule does not apply to checked-in luggage.
The change will not affect passengers travelling through Finavia's regional airports or passengers passing through security control for transfers at Helsinki Airport, where the 100 ml liquid rule is already in place.
“To ensure a smooth security control process, passengers must adhere to the new guidelines by packing their liquids in containers no larger than 100ml in their hand luggage. By following these instructions, we can avoid unnecessary delays, such as removing oversized containers, and facilitate a more efficient security check,” says Ari Kumara, Director of Security Operations at Finavia.
Kumara further emphasises the importance of preparation, stating, “It is also important for passengers to be aware that different security controls may be encountered at various stages of their journey and in different countries. Therefore, it is advisable to familiarise yourself with airport-specific instructions and prepare for varying procedures in advance.”
Finavia will communicate the updated liquid regulations for hand luggage including packing instructions, on our website and at Helsinki Airport. Passengers will also receive information about these regulations from their airlines.
Photos for the press available here.
When packing your baggage, always consider what items or substances may be carried in hand baggage, what must be checked into the cargo hold and what cannot be taken on board the aircraft at all.
You can check the security control and packing Instructions on Finavia's website:
In addition to the security control rules, passengers should also check the baggage restrictions issued by airlines and the customs rules and regulations of the destination country.
Rules for liquids in hand baggage at Helsinki Airport
- Liquids carried in hand luggage must be packed in containers of a maximum 100 millilitres. The total amount of liquids per passenger can be up to two litres.
- Containers exceeding 100 millilitres will be removed.
- Passengers are allowed to carry medical liquids, baby food, and liquids for special dietary needs in the quantity required for the journey.
- There is no need to remove electronics and liquids from bags at the security control.
Existing rules remain for liquids in hand baggage at Finavia's regional airports and the security control for transfer passengers at Helsinki Airport
- Liquid containers of a capacity not exceeding one hundred millilitres and that fit in a one-litre, transparent and resealable bag, are permitted in hand baggage.
- Medical and dietary liquids and baby food may be carried in hand baggage, the amount needed during the journey.
- At the security control for transfer passengers at Helsinki Airport, larger liquid containers are also allowed if they have been purchased at airports or onboard aircraft in EU countries and have been packed following EU rules (in an intact, sealed and transparent plastic bag with the receipt visible).
- All liquids and electronics must be removed from the bag and presented to the security officer prior to scanning.
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Information about Finavia
The airport company Finavia manages and develops 20 airports in Finland. Smooth and high-quality services for airlines and passengers are at the heart of our business. We develop connectivity and good flight connections. We are committed to acting responsibly to promote sustainable air travel. In 2023, Finavia Group’s turnover amounted to EUR 360 million and it had 2,540 employees.
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