Historic route opening: Discover Airlines makes the route from Kittilä to Frankfurt a year-round one
In December 2024, Discover Airlines, a leisure airline part of the Lufthansa group, begins its first route in Finland with year-round scheduled flights from Frankfurt, Germany to Kittilä Airport. The opening is historic, as international scheduled flights have not been flown to Kittilä for several decades during the summer season.
Discover Airlines (formerly Eurowings Discover) will operate the Frankfurt-Kittilä route twice a week during the winter season 2024-2025 beginning from December 17. From April to October 2025, the route will be operated twice a week, except in May when it will be flown only once a week. Route will be operated with a 180-seat Airbus A320−200 aircraft.
”We are actively working with our partners to develop them and the new year-round route to Kittilä after decades in the summer season 2025 is a significant achievement in the development of year-round tourism in Lapland,” says Petri Vuori, Finavia’s Senior Vice President responsible for route development.
“Routes with regular scheduled flights are extremely important for Finland’s and Lapland’s accessibility. In addition, it is great that the residents of the area can take advantage of the new route also in the summer” he continues.
Discover Airlines is a German leisure airline and part of the Lufthansa Group. The route opening opens extensive connections to Lufthansa's international route network. Frankfurt Airport is the largest in Europe, meaning that a flight connection between Kittilä and Frankfurt allows for extensive connections around the world.
As for the other airlines in the Lufthansa Group, Lufthansa will open a route from Frankfurt to Rovaniemi during winter season 2024-2025, Edelweiss Air from Zürich to Kittilä and Rovaniemi, Austrian Airlines from Vienna to Kittilä and Ivalo and Eurowings from Hamburg to Kittilä and Rovaniemi and from Stuttgart to Rovaniemi.
Detailed flight schedules and tickets are available on the Discover Airlines website.
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Information about Finavia
The airport company Finavia manages and develops 20 airports in Finland. Smooth and high-quality services for airlines and passengers are at the heart of our business. We develop connectivity and good flight connections. We are committed to acting responsibly to promote sustainable air travel. In 2023, Finavia Group’s turnover amounted to EUR 360 million and it had 2,540 employees.
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