Corporate customer services for DNA’s copper-based network in Eurajoki and parts of Uusimaa will be terminated in spring 2025


Copper-based network technology has served telecommunications for over 160 years, but today, its significance is very limited. DNA first announced the replacement of its copper-based networks with more modern cable, fibre optics and mobile solutions in 2021, and work to decommission the old network began the following year. DNA’s remaining copper-based voice communication services will be terminated by the end of 2024 across Finland. The phased decommissioning of copper-based broadband and voice communication services for corporate customers continues, and these services will be terminated in Eurajoki and parts of Uusimaa on 31 March 2025.

Corporate customer services for DNA’s copper-based network in Eurajoki and parts of Uusimaa will be terminated in spring 2025
Corporate customer services for DNA’s copper-based network in Eurajoki and parts of Uusimaa will be terminated in spring 2025

In recent years, the copper-based network has primarily been used for landlines and old xDSL broadband connections with maximum speeds of a few dozen megabits per second. The copper-based network should not be confused with modern cable and fibre optics networks that support connection speeds measured in gigabits per second and in which DNA will continue to invest significantly. Together with mobile solutions, these are the modern technologies replacing the copper-based network. For example, in June 2024, DNA’s 5G network already covered almost 98% of the Finnish population.

The decommissioning of DNA’s copper-based network began in Southwest Finland and Satakunta in 2022. Decommissioning efforts in Eastern Finland were underway by the autumn of 2023. By early 2024, there were only a little over one thousand DNA consumer customers still using copper-based broadband across the entire country. For these customers, the services in question were terminated at the end of March 2024. Service for the small number of remaining consumer landline customers will be shut down by the end of 2024. After this, only services for corporate customers will remain. In Eurajoki and Uusimaa, copper-based services for corporate customers will be terminated on 31 March 2025.

DNA will be contacting all copper-based network customers

DNA will be contacting copper-based network customers during the transition before any copper-based services are terminated. Affected customers will be offered modern replacements for terminated services. Old equipment and facilities in affected areas will be decommissioned once all customers have been moved to replacement services. The equipment will be recycled as electronic waste and reused.

“Copper-based networks have played an important role in Finnish telecommunications history, but we are now transitioning into a new era. We are committed to offering our customers first-class service, which is why we are focusing on the development of modern access solutions. These solutions are designed to meet both current and future needs”, says DNA’s Vice President, Access Networks and Premises Toni Sulosalmi.

Corporate customer services for the copper-based network will be terminated on 31 March 2025 in the following regions:

  • Eurajoki
  • Siuntio
  • Vihti
  • Lohja
  • Raasepori

Corporate customer services for the copper-based network will be terminated by the end of June 2025 in the following regions:

  • Mäntsälä
  • Riihimäki
  • Hausjärvi
  • Hollola
  • Nastola
  • Orimattila
  • Kärkölä
  • Asikkala
  • Heinola
  • Iitti
  • Sysmä
  • Hartola

Corporate customer services for the copper-based network will be terminated in Lahti by the end of October 2025.

Further information for the media:

Toni Sulosalmi, Vice President, Access Networks and Premises, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 044 2803, toni.sulosalmi@dna.fi

DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi

More on the decommissioning of the copper-based network: www.dna.fi/tuki/kuuluvuus-ja-verkot/kupariverkko


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