Helsinki’s biggest street renovation will move to Taka-Töölö on 2 September
Work on the largest street renovation project in Helsinki to date will move to Taka-Töölö at the beginning of September where the work will cover Mannerheimintie between Runeberginkatu and Reijolankatu, as well as some of the side streets. The renovation will be completed in late 2025.
The first phase of the renovation between Opera and Lasipalatsi will be completed on 1 September. The intersection of Runeberginkatu and Helsinginkatu was also renovated in the first phase.
– Work on the first phase of the renovation progressed efficiently and on schedule. Next, we will move to work further north, where we have already done preliminary work on the side streets. We will also be working at a fast pace in phase 2 to complete the entire renovation at the end of 2025,” says Antti-Juhani Lehtinen, Project Manager from the City of Helsinki.
Oldest water lines 115 years old
The renovation will include replacing the tram rails, all water pipes under the street, electrical cables and other municipal infrastructure, and building one-way cycling routes on Mannerheimintie. The oldest of the water pipes to be replaced in the second phase were built in the early 20th century. The oldest water pipes still in use date from 1905–1909.
Ruusankatu, Savilankatu and Sallinkatu will become one-way streets after the renovation, with trees and vine support frames to add street greenery. At the same time, parking will become diagonal.
Tram lines will divert via Alppila and Helsinginkatu
Trams will move to new routes on 2 September when the rail connection from Opera to Töölön Tulli will be removed on Mannerheimintie. The replacement tram lines will mainly run via Helsinginkatu and Alppila. Temporary tram stops will be built on Reijolankatu in August. The new tramway will be completed in late 2025.
Some tram lines will return to the section between the Opera and Kiasma now being completed. Lines 4 and 10 will return to the new rail connection.
For more information on routes, see HSL newsletter.
Bus services will continue to use the current diverted routes due to the renovation in the second phase of the renovation.
Information available through several channels
You can follow the progress of the worksite through the following channels:
- Up-to-date information on the worksite and current traffic arrangements will be updated on the contractor’s website: manskunkatutyö
- Follow street works on Facebook:
Traffic can get congested – prefer alternative routes
You can drive through the worksite throughout the renovation. One lane in each direction will be available for motor vehicles during the renovation, but traffic may be congested. The number of lanes will be returned to normal once the renovation is completed.
However, the work may require daily traffic changes and the reduced lanes will easily cause congestion. Driving into the yards of buildings as well as access to maintenance and rescue vehicles will remain on Mannerheimintie throughout the construction period.
VM Suomalainen Oy will continue as the contractor in the renovation.
Worksite on-call service on Thursday 22 August
The contractor will organise the next worksite on-call service in front of the main entrance of Kisahalli (Mannerheimintie 17) on Thursday 22 August at 1 pm – 13.30 pm.
A worksite committee consisting of local residents and entrepreneurs was active in the first phase of the renovation. A similar committee will also be organised for the second phase of the renovation. Registration for the committee will open in August-September.
Renovation in general:
Antti-Juhani Lehtinen
Project Manager, project development
Urban Environment Division
tel. +358 9 3103 8872
Matters concerning the implementation of work:
Main contractor VM Suomalainen Oy
Ville Piironen
Site Manager
tel. +358 50 572 2143
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