Call to media: Havis Amanda square construction will be completed at the end of August
The renovation of the Havis Amanda square will be completed at the end of August with the removal of the barriers. The sculptures were restored to the fountain earlier this summer. May Day celebrations can, from 2025, once again take place around the Havis Amanda fountain.
Completed in 1908, the fountain and bronze sculptures are a combined work of art by Ville Vallgren (1855–1940), which is, in addition to its artistic value, an important piece of Helsinki’s image and cultural history.
Celebrate the return of Havis Amanda on Thursday, 29 August
We are celebrating the restoration of the fountain with a pop-up event on Thursday, 29 August at 11 am, with speeches by mayor Juhana Vartiainen and HAM director Arja Miller, a reading of poet Harri Hertell’s Havis Amanda-themed poem and soprano Laura Pyrrö’s serenade to the statue.
Residents will get to explore the renovated square and enjoy the conserved sculpture. On Thursday, 29 August from 11 am to 6 pm, there will be an opportunity to have 360-degree photos taken of you with the statue. There will also be a street café nearby that serves coffee.
New fountain internals
The internal pipes and pumps for the fountain were replaced entirely during the renovation. The fountain will be turned on at the end of August, but later in spring, it will be emptied again for the winter.
During the renovation, the pool was rebuilt with a new slab foundation that is supported on the bedrock underneath. The depressions on the square surface were repaired and the traditional rock tile surface was restored after the renovation.
During the renovation, a permanent location was built for the cranes that are used for capping the statue and for repairs. May Day celebrations should now be smoother than ever.
Archaeological digs under the foundation discovered 16th century shoes and an old pier structure
During the square renovation, the Finnish Heritage Agency carried out an archaeological dig in the area. Thick layers of land fill and various objects, such as pieces of kitchenware, bones, leather, shoe parts and glass shard were found during the dig.
One of the objects was an old, 16th century shoe. The shoe is currently undergoing conservation work and it will become a part of the National Museum’s collection. Leather, wood and other organic matter keep poorly in a dry environment, which means that the moisture in the area has preserved them underground for centuries. Some of the objects found during the dig will be added to the Helsinki Art Museum’s collection.
The layers of land fill also revealed an old pine-and-spruce pier. Samples taken from the wood allowed us to date the construction of the pier to the 1750s. In old 1760s maps, there have been markings of piers where the Havis Amanda fountain now stands. Piers and shore hut had stood on the area before that as well.
A hundred years of dirt, washed away
As a part of the conservation work, the structure of the sculpture was reinforced and all of its tears and holes were patched with bronze welding. At the same time, the seams of the fountain’s bronze upper edge were reinforced with welding. However, the statue is over a hundred years old and will not withstand climbing.
Surface conservation removed all of the centennial dirt, pollution and lime layers from the sculpture. The blue-green patina also received a clean-up to make sure that the detailed shapes and expressiveness of the sculpture are easier to see. A protective wax coat was also applied to the surface of the sculpture. The conservation was carried out by HAM Helsinki Art Museum. Havis Amanda is included in the City of Helsinki art collection, which is managed by HAM Helsinki Art Museum.
Conservation of the sculpture and fountain:
Public art conserver Polina Semenova
HAM Helsinki Art Museum
tel. +358 9 310 36695
Temporary cover solutions:
Urban Space and Landscape Planning Manager
Jussi Luomanen
Urban Environment Division
tel. +358 9 310 38626
Havis Amanda square renovation:
Project Manager Heikki Kosonen
Urban Environment Division, project construction
tel. +358 50 310 42158
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