Baltic Sea Day in Helsinki: Marine Research and Mapping Information on board Aranda and at Oodi
Baltic Sea Day, on August 29, the marine research vessel Aranda will welcome the public in next to Helsinki’s Old Market Hall. At the Oodi Helsinki Central Library, visitors can explore the underwater biodiversity of the Baltic Sea.
R/V Aranda: Framework for Practical Marine Research
On Baltic Sea Day, visitors can examine the marine research equipment and the vessel itself. Experts will be available to answer questions about the Baltic Sea. Aranda, managed by the Finnish Environment Institute, is designed for multidisciplinary marine research not only in the Baltic Sea, but farther afield in the oceans. She has been sailing in the North Atlantic and the oceans of the southern hemisphere. Aranda is part of the Itämerifest at the Pakkahuoneenlaituri Quay, where number of stakeholders share information about the sea and its conservation.
In one of the tents, experts from the Ministry of the Environment and the Finnish Environment Institute will present the results of the recently published Baltic Sea state assessment. There is also possibility to engage in activities, such as learning about marine life, sifting litter from beach sand, and examining the ghost nets abandoned in the sea that pose
Biodiversity of Marine Life on Display at Oodi
Mapped for two decades, even with many conservation pressures, the Finnish coast still harbors amazingly beautiful spots. At Oodi, visitors can learn about the biodiversity of the Baltic Sea through expert presentations, videos, and photographs, along with a board game and a virtual escape room game. A 5-meter sediment core of the sea bottom allow to study the history of the Baltic Sea and its changes. A panel discussion will address the path towards a marine-nature-positive Finland; how to sustainably manage the diverse uses of the sea while minimizing conflicts.
Guidelines for the Visitors
We welcome children onboard Aranda with a supervising adult; movement on the vessel is not barrier-free. For safety reasons, Aranda cannot accommodate daycare or other groups of children, and we not recommend to move around the vessel with an infant. Visitors should prepare to wait for a while before boarding, as only a limited number of people can enter at a time.
The activities at the tent village on the Pakkahuoneenlaituri Quay and the events at the Central Library Oodi are suitable for visitors of all ages. The event at Oodi is accessible for all.
Finnish Environment Institute on Baltic Sea Day, August 29th
- Aranda Open House
Finnish Environment Institute, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Harakka Nature Center, HSY
Quay of Pakkahuoneenlaituri, Eteläranta 7, 00130 Helsinki
The research vessel is not accessible. The event is free of charge. - Tent 6: New Baltic Sea State Assessment and marine litter
Ministry of the Environment and Finnish Environment Institute
Quay of Pakkahuoneenlaituri, Eteläranta 7, 00130 Helsinki
The event is free of charge. The cobblestones on the quay may pose a challenge for those with mobility issues. - Bringing the Underwater Marine Environment to Light – The Underwater Marine Nature in Oodi
Finnish Environment Institute, Metsähallitus Nature Services, Natural Resources Institute Finland, Geological Survey of Finland, Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Southwest Finland, Ministry of the Environment
Maijansali, Central Library Oodi
August 29th, 10:00–18:30
Töölönlahdenkatu 4, 00100 Helsinki
The event is free of charge. The event is accessible.
Additional Information:
- Aranda: Mika Raateoja, p. +358 295 251 536, Riitta Autio, p. +358 295 251 079, email: firstname.lastname(at), Finnish Environment Institute
- Oodi: Wilma Viljanmaa, p. +358 29 525 1743, email: firstname.lastname(at), Finnish Environment Institute
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It is time to move beyond solving environmental problems one by one, to systemic sustainability transformations. The Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) contributes to building a sustainable society through research, information and services. The Finnish Environment Institute is a research institute with 700 experts and researchers located in Helsinki, Oulu, Jyväskylä and Joensuu.
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