My Espoo surveys collect residents’ views on the future of the city
The City of Espoo is collecting residents’ wishes for the future of Espoo through two surveys that are open until the end of October.
The results will be used as the city updates its strategy, known as the Espoo Story, and develops its urban environment.
Espoo Story concerns everyone in Espoo – including children and young people
The preparation of the Espoo Story for the next City Council term 2025–2029 has begun. The City of Espoo is now collecting residents’ views and wishes regarding Espoo’s future to support the work of the city’s elected bodies.
“The My Espoo survey gives people a genuine opportunity to have their say on what we do here in Espoo and what our values are. I encourage everyone to take the survey,” says Mayor Jukka Mäkelä.
Children and young people also have a chance to participate in the city’s strategy work. The city has created a teaching package for pupils in grades 6–9 and general upper secondary school students, allowing them to take part in discussing Espoo’s future as part of their school work.
Young people also took part in the process four years ago and provided valuable feedback and input to support the preparation of the Espoo Story.
Take the My Espoo survey. The survey only takes about 5 minutes to complete.
Important places and development needs on the map
The city is also conducting another survey at the same time. This map-based survey focuses on the development of Espoo’s urban environments.
In the My Espoo on the Map survey, respondents can mark places on the map to highlight those that are important to them or that they believe should be developed. The survey also collects information on how residents get to different places. The city will use this valuable information about residents’ local environments in city planning.
The city conducted the first map survey in 2020, and it resulted in nearly 70,000 map entries and development ideas. Local nature and the safety of the environment are new themes in this year’s survey, as they are known to be important to Espoo residents.
Having an understanding of what everyday life is like in Espoo helps make the city more functional, pleasant and safe. The information collected will also be used in an Aalto University study that examines how the urban environment affects residents’ wellbeing and how wellbeing could be promoted.
Take the My Espoo on the Map survey. The survey takes about 20–30 minutes to complete.
- Jukka Mäkelä, Mayor, tel. 046 877 3953,
- Niko Ferm, Policy Planning Director, tel. 040 552 1271,
- Laura Malm-Grönroos, Researcher, tel. 043 825 5231, (My Espoo on the Map survey)
Red more: My Espoo | City of Espoo
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