SecD-Day Conference & Exhibition preparations progressing, registration for the event opened
The Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace (AFDA) and Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre will organise the next SecD-Day Conference & Exhibition at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on 29 - 30 January 2025. The event is going to be significantly larger than last time. Registration for industry professionals and media is now opened on the SecD-Day website.
SecD-Day 2025 promotes Finland's overall security by providing information on current topics, products and services in the defence, security, aerospace and aviation industries. The two-day invitation-only event is a key destination for anyone whose job is related to the defence materiel industry.
The conference programme is compiled by AFDA. In addition to the opening ceremony, information will be provided through keynote presentations, panel discussions and company presentations, among others. Valuable information and networking opportunities will also be provided by the exhibition, which is currently already five times larger than the previous SecD-Day, which took place in the spring of 2023. More than 100 exhibitors will be present. Sales, marketing and practical arrangements for stand space are handled by the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre.
Companies can use free tickets to invite their customers to the event
SecD-Day registration is open, and the Early bird discount is valid until 31 October. The event is free of charge for public authorities from Finland and abroad, as well as for students from the Police University College, the Emergency Services Academy Finland and the National Defence University. Registration is also free of charge for media representatives.
Exhibitors can use free tickets to invite their customers and potential partners to the event. The exhibition area will be spread around the programme arena, so that visitors will be able to move around the stands efficiently during the conference day.
SecD-Day was well received the first time it was arranged, and it has every chance of becoming a major event, even in the whole of Northern Europe.
You can follow the event news and programme development on SecD-Day LinkedIn at and on the event website
Further information:
The Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace PIA, Tuija Karanko, tuija.karanko(at), +358 40 559 8986. Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Business Manager Anssi Rajala, anssi.rajala(at), +358 40 843 3936
The Association of Finnish Defence and Aerospace AFDA is the trade association of the defence, security, aerospace and aviation industries in Finland and a business sector association of the Technology Industries of Finland. Founded in 1994, the association has over 180 member companies. |
Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) produces high-quality trade fairs, conferences and other events and rents out its facilities and services as an arena for various events. The owner company Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919.
Source of address: Media register of the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre. You may unsubscribe by contacting the Communications Manager of the event.
Tarja Gordienko
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