HUS is prepared for mpox infections
HUS has prepared to examine and treat patients with mpox. If necessary, HUS laboratory is prepared to examine mpox samples from all of Finland.
Samples of mpox (formerly monkeypox) in the Uusimaa region are examined in HUS laboratory, which has already set up procedures for analysing samples from clade II mpox. HUS laboratory is also prepared to examine samples of clade I, which is the more serious type of the virus.
HUS laboratory is also prepared to examine mpox samples from elsewhere in Finland if necessary. The development of the situation is being actively monitored at HUS laboratory.
Patients are sent to laboratory examinations with a doctor's referral. Samples are examined on weekdays. Analysing a single sample takes one day.
A person living in Uusimaa who suspects that they have been infected with mpox must always contact healthcare before getting sampled and seeking treatment by calling the health center of their wellbeing services county during office hours or the Medical Helpline at 116 117, open 24/7. If a person suspects that the infection has happened through sexual intercourse, they can also contact the HUS Venereal Diseases Outpatient Clinic by phone.
Mpox (formerly monkeypox) is an infectious disease caused by the monkeypox virus (MPXV). It is not easily transmitted from one person to another. The incubation period of the pox is approximately 6–13 days. First symptoms may include fever, headache, swollen lymph nodes, back pain, muscle pain and fatigue. An infected person may develop reddish skin changes with pimples or blisters, especially in the face, limbs and genital area. Most people with mpox recover without treatment. The virus can cause a serious disease especially in those whose immune system has been weakened by other illnesses or medical treatment. There is a vaccine against mpox. In Finland, the vaccine is administered to people who have been exposed to mpox and those in risk groups. The City of Helsinki and wellbeing services counties are responsible for vaccinations in Uusimaa.
Read more about m-pox and how it is transmitted on the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare
Eeva RuotsalainenDeputy Chief Physician, Epidemiological Unit
Tel:050 427 9117eeva.ruotsalainen@hus.fiSatu KurkelaActing Head Physician, Chief of Clinical Microbiology
Tel:050 428 4183satu.kurkela@hus.fiAbout HUS
HUS Helsinki University Hospital is the biggest provider of specialized healthcare in Finland. Our high expertise is internationally recognized and accredited. As a university hospital, we are on the cutting edge of developing and evaluating our treatment methods and activities.
HUS treats almost 700,000 patients every year. Our more than 27,000 professionals work to provide the best possible care for our patients. We are responsible for organizing specialized health care in the Uusimaa region. The treatment of many rare and difficult diseases in Finland has been centralized to HUS as well.
HUS – Leading healthcare
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