Pohjanmaa Expo events to be organised by Expomark Oy
As of the turn of the year, Expomark Oy will be responsible for organising the events of Pohjanmaa Expo. The trade fair brands, and their rights will remain under the ownership of Pohjanmaa Expo. This collaboration strengthens the economy of the Vaasa region and enables the development of trade fair events in the area.
"We are very pleased with the agreement. Continuous development is essential, and now we have a skilled trade fair organisation to support our growth. Thanks to this collaboration, our economic region will continue to host and launch interesting events, but with even stronger resources," says Tomas Häyry, Chairman of the Board of Pohjanmaan Expo Oy.
Pohjanmaan Expo Oy has been organising events in the Vaasa economic region since 1987. EnergyWeek, with its numerous themed days, is organised in collaboration with a partner network that includes VASEK, Merinova, the City of Vaasa, Energy Spin, Visit Vaasa, the University of Vaasa, Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce, and EnergyVaasa. Pohjanmaan Expo's portfolio also includes the industrial event Botnia Industrial Day, the hotel, restaurant, and kitchen professionals' event Lakeus Kokkaa, as well as the education and recruitment event Edu+Job. Additionally, they are responsible for organising the Made by Pohjanmaa joint stand at the Subcontracting Fair in Tampere.
Expomark Oy is known as an experienced event organiser in the industrial and healthcare sectors, operating flexibly across Finland. Expomark's trade fairs include events such as The Northern Industry event, The Energy Event of Finland and Apuväline - the Assistive Technology event. Ostrobothnia is also a familiar region for the company, as Expomark organises the forestry and machinery event Proforest at Kalajoki Airport. Expomark Oy is a subsidiary of The Finnish Fair Corporation.
"Trade fairs strengthen the vitality of growth centers. The Vaasa economic region has a lot of growth potential, as industrial investments and the green transition are focused on the west coast. We will contribute to the region’s development with our expertise in organising trade fairs. Our goal is to increase the region's income and employment impact by developing and internationalising the fairs," says Mikko Horppu, Director, Exhibitions Business Unit from The Finnish Fair Corporation.
From January 1, 2025, Expomark Oy will be responsible for the practical arrangements of the events. As part of this arrangement, Pohjanmaan Expo's staff will transfer to the employment of Expomark. The new collaboration will be guided by a management team that includes representatives from the City of Vaasa, the owners of Pohjanmaan Expo, and The Finnish Fair Corporation.
For more information:
Pohjanmaan Expo Oy – Expo Österbotten Ab:
Tomas Häyry, Chairman of the Board
Tel. +358 40 540 5412, tomas.hayry@vaasa.fi, www.pohjanmaanexpo.f
Expomark Oy/The Finnish Fair Corporation:
Mikko Horppu, Director, Exhibitions Business Unit
Tel. +358 500 609 453, mikko.horppu@messukeskus.com, www.expomark.fi, www.messukeskus.com
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