Neighborly help at the touch of a button - See how the municipality of Lapinlahti strengthens its community
Lapinlahti municipality and Finland's most popular helping app Commu are launching a collaboration to strengthen community spirit and increase the well-being of local residents. Lapinlahti residents can now easily request help and offer it to their neighbours via Commu, taking helping to a new level and enabling people to meet on a larger scale.
"The role of the municipality in promoting well-being and health has grown," says Henri Ruotsalainen, Mayor of Lapinlahti. "As a municipality, we cannot do everything on our own; we need local residents and associations to get involved. We want to play our part in promoting the encounter between the helper and the needy, and we have been looking for solutions."
Henna Rissanen, welfare and inclusion coordinator in Lapinlahti, emphasises that strengthening community spirit is a key objective for today's municipalities.
"Lapinlahti has a good culture of community work and caring. However, in today's world, new ways of participation are needed that enable people to ask for and offer help so that everyone can be involved in their own way and according to their own resources. Although it's an app, the aim is to look up from the screen and meet each other in concrete ways of doing and helping," says Rissanen.
Working with Commu brings many benefits to the people of Lapinlahti. The app makes it easy to ask for help with everyday chores such as mowing the lawn, childcare or even find new friends.
Community brings a sense of security to everyday life - helping lowers the threshold for getting to know your neighbour
According to Karoliina Kauhanen, founder of Commu, investing in community brings a sense of belonging and attraction to a municipality and promotes the well-being of its residents.
"There is still a lot of shame and stigma attached to asking for help. Too many people are left alone, even though help could be found in their own neighbourhood," says Kauhanen. "That's why it's great that Lapinlahti is investing in community spirit and providing a concrete tool for its residents to ask for and give help with a low threshold. Now we have the opportunity to raise hidden calls for help and get help to those who need it."
Kauhanen emphasizes that community and helping others are not just nice words, but are important elements in creating a sense of security and increasing well-being in everyday life.
"Cooperation with the municipality of Lapinlahti is a step towards a closer and more helpful community, where everyone can feel part of something bigger," Kauhanen sums up.
As a result of this cooperation, Lapinlahti is also participating in Finland's most community-oriented municipality competition. The winner is the municipality whose residents help each other the most. The competition will be decided on 20.12.2024 and the winner will receive a cash prize that residents can use for common good, for example as a scholarship or for a community centre.
Karoliina KauhanenCommu
Commu is a Finland's most popular neighborhood app - Download Commu now!
Commu is a mobile app built by three young friends to ask for and give help. In Commu, individuals, associations and companies meet to help, volunteer and help each other. Commu already has more than 70,000 registered users across Finland, Norway and Germany and offers companies an easy way to volunteer and involve their staff in good deeds, and associations a way to find volunteers and manage volunteering. For municipalities, Commu provides a ready-made neighbourhood platform where residents can ask for and give help, increasing community spirit and reducing loneliness. Download Commu now!
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