Snellman Petfood Makes a Significant Donation to the University of Helsinki's Dog Food Research
Snellman Group's pet food business, Snellman Petfood, is donating 100,000 euros to the University of Helsinki’s research activities. The donation will fund impartial research conducted by the DogRisk team, which studies the effects of different feeding methods on dog welfare.

Recently, pet feeding has become a prominent topic in public discussions. For responsible companies and stakeholders, it is more important than ever to act transparently and collaborate closely with researchers to ensure food safety for our beloved four-legged friends.
– "We have supported research for several years, and now that the DogRisk team is running a donation campaign, we wanted to contribute more significantly to support the university's impartial research work. At the same time, we hope that other companies in the industry will also contribute to the funding of the research," says Magnus Pettersson, CEO of Snellman Petfood.
"Research into dogs' dietary habits and their impact on health is extremely important. It is through this type of research that we can understand how different feeding methods affect the quality of life for dogs. We are very grateful for the support from companies like Snellman Petfood, which enables us to continue our work, and to continue doing it independently, as the money comes as a donation," says Anna Hielm-Björkman, PI, DVM, PhD, Adjunct Professor (title of Docent), DogRisk research group leader at the University of Helsinki
Snellman Petfood, with its brands MUSH, Fodax, and Raw for Paw, is the largest manufacturer of raw food for dogs and cats in the Nordic region. The company’s products are known for containing as natural ingredients as possible, without fillers. Products are made in Pietarsaari, Finland, and Nässjö, Sweden.
Magnus Pettersson
CEO Snellman Petfood
Puh: +358 445386389
Anna Hielm-Björkman, PI, DVM, PhD
Puh: +358 443270462
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