Helsinki to survey resident experiences on traffic safety
A research project by the City of Helsinki, VTT and Forum Virium to promote traffic safety studies resident and visitor experiences on safety and hazards in Helsinki’s traffic. The survey is open until 6 October.
During the last five years, an average of six people per year have died in traffic in Helsinki and about 340 people have been injured in accidents reported to the police. However, not every traffic accident is reported to the police, so in reality, there are bound to be more injuries. By improving traffic safety, we can reduce both the human suffering and societal costs that traffic accidents cause.
Improving traffic safety is a key goal of the city
The goal set in Helsinki’s Traffic Safety Development Programme for 2022–2026 is to halve the number of traffic fatalities and injuries by 2030 from the 2020 level.
Helsinki residents' experiences of traffic safety are particularly important to find out, which is why we have opened a survey on the topic for residents. Residents are asked to give their opinions on traffic safety and hazards, regardless of where they live, how they move, or how old they are. Visitors to the city can also take the survey.
The survey includes map-based questions about difficult spots or locations where you may have been involved in a traffic accident or dangerous situation, in terms of traffic safety.
You can answer the survey in Finnish, Swedish or English. Your responses will be used to develop traffic safety. The results of the survey are also analysed and utilised in the ELABORATOR project, which promotes safe, inclusive and sustainable mobility in the city. The project is funded through the European Union's Horizon Europe research funding programme, and in the case of Helsinki, the project is implemented by Forum Virium Helsinki and VTT.
The survey is open until Sunday, 6 October 2024.
Roni Utriainen
Traffic Engineer
City of Helsinki, Urban Environment Division
Tel: +358 40 825 6330
Merja Penttinen
Principal Scientist
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT
puh. 040-5546826
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