Fingrid Oyj

Fingrid’s Open data service now provides data on electricity consumption and small-scale electricity production from accounting points in Finland


Fingrid Datahub stores data on electricity consumption and small-scale production in Finland. This information can now be accessed through the Fingrid Open data service.

The Open data platform offers extensive information on Finland’s power system and electricity market. The service is free of charge and open to everyone, including companies, researchers, students and consumers. Sharing this data is part of Fingrid’s mission to enable, support and develop the electricity market.

Datahub, the centralised information exchange system for the Finnish electricity retail market, stores data from 3.9 million electricity accounting points. This data is provided by Finnish distribution system operators and electricity suppliers. Datahub’s datasets on the Open data platform offer detailed insights into electricity consumption and production. The resource features aggregate hourly metering data categorised by factors such as customer type, user group and metering type. Another dataset contains data on small-scale electricity production in Finland sold to retailers, categorised by production type. All data is aggregated, meaning that individual-level data, such as figures from a single accounting point or a distribution system, is not available through the service.

Please visit Fingrid’s Open data service on

For more information, please contact the Datahub customer support.

For more information
Fredrik Södö, Director Development and Technology, tel. +358 30 395 5151

About Fingrid Oyj

Fingrid is Finland’s transmission system operator. We secure reliable electricity for our customers and society, and we shape the clean and market-oriented electricity system of the future.

Fingrid delivers. Responsibly.

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