Something familiar and something unfamiliar – Christmas in Porvoo Museum takes visitors to the 1700s
In Porvoo Museum’s Holm House presents the Christmas preparations and festivities of an 18th century burgher family. As most of the usual Finnish Christmas traditions originate in the 19th century, familiar elements – such as a Christmas tree – are conspicuous by their absene in the home of a wealthy merchant of the 1700s.
The center piece of the season in the 1700s is the dinner table. Ham, root vegetable casseroles and rosolli salad are still a part of Finnish Christmas feasts, but spinach stew and savoury jellies made with meat perhaps less so.
And even though the tradition of giving each other presents at Christmas began already in the 18th century, recognising old customs related to it can be difficult for modern people used to the factory-made products of 20th and 21st centuries. In the 1700s and 1800s short rhyming verses were written on Christmas presents to hint at the content of the gift and its giver. The presents weren’t brought by Santa Claus; instead someone simply threw them suddenly in through the door.
Christmas is the biggest holiday of the Christian church and Porvoo’s medieval cathedral has been a central part of Christmas for the people of Porvoo through the centuries. Helping the less fortunate is also a long-lived Christmas tradition and for example in the 18th and 19th centuries bread and candles were gifted to the poor.
In addition to the upstairs Christmas exhibition, the downstairs of Holm House has an exhibition about birds in winter.
Christmas in Porvoo Museum
- 27.11.2024 at 10:00. Press preview. Representatives of the media, bloggers and social media influencers are welcome to come see the Christmas exhibitions in Holm House, Välikatu 11, Porvoo.
- 27.11.2024–12.1.2025. Christmas in Porvoo Museum in Holm House, Välikatu 11, Porvoo. Open Wed–Sun at 12–16.
- 27.11.2024–2.3.2025. The Blue Hour – An Exhibition about the Birds of Winter, Välikatu 11, Porvoo. Open Wed–Sun at 12–16.
- 1.–24.12.2024 Porvoo Museum Christmas calendar on Instagram and Facebook @porvoonmuseo
- Inquiries about guided tours:
Porvoo Museum
Porvoo Museum is one of the oldest museums in Finland. Founded in 1896 the museum has been maintained by the association Borgå museiförening from the beginning. The museum fosters, maintains, researches, and conveys material and immaterial cultural and natural heritage of Porvoo and Eastern Uusimaa.
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