Suomen Kiinteistönvälittäjät ry

SKVL housing market forecast: Sales of old homes will gradually pick up – no changes expected in prices – falling interest rates help – banks slow down a lot


SKVL's local experts in housing sales have updated their forecasts for the rest of 2024.

"Housing sales picked up by an average of about 1–3% compared to the previous quarter. In some localities and in the most demanded housing types, the pick-up may be slightly faster, but uncertainties in people's personal finances, such as so many co-operation negotiations, are still holding back the rapid growth," says Jussi Mannerberg, CEO of SKVL. "We expect housing prices to remain mainly at the current level during the autumn, with the exception of the smallest apartments in blocks of flats, older single-family houses and new buildings, where prices may continue to fall somewhat," he continues. "The slowness of the three largest banks, in particular, is currently the biggest problem for the practical realisation of housing transactions within the desired schedules," comments Mannerberg.

The willingness to buy indicator has risen clearly.
The willingness to buy indicator has risen clearly.

Supply at a good level – Demand clearly increased towards autumn

According to SKVL's willingness to buy indicator, home sellers are now motivated. The desire of buyers to make a purchase decision has significantly increased. From the sellers' point of view, the lower price level has mainly been understood, and now things are starting to happen in the market as buyers sell their own apartments.

Traditionally, price increases are hindered by demand not exceeding supply. In principle, there is now a situation that is good for buyers, as the assortment as well as the price level are attractive.

"We expect the total trade volumes in 2024 to remain at the same level as in 2023. The reason for this is that even though trade volumes are accelerating now in the autumn, the pick-up at the end of last year for a while was so strong that it is not yet possible to rise above it. Next year, if interest rates fall close to 2%, we believe that trade will pick up clearly after the snowy winter in the spring," Mannerberg estimates.

Banks have not kept pace – significant delays in closing deals

The market has picked up by a few percentage points since the summer. At the same time, backlogs in mortgage processing have increased significantly. We regularly see delays of more than 1 month in the processing of matters and up to 2-3 months go by when the deals are closed after the offer.  This causes a lot of difficulties for apartment exchangers in multi-apartment chains, where even the last sale depends on the completion of previous transactions in the chain.

The new e-commerce systems have not made matters much easier, as they are also handled by a bank. "Banks are now expected to engage in much more flexible cooperation and training in new operating methods that brokers already have a good grasp of," says Jussi Mannerberg, CEO of SKVL.

There are also strange phenomena in the financing of housing transactions


There are still some buyers who make brazenly low bids, but most of the time they only lead to resentment and no deals are made. Price awareness among buyers and careful examination of the apartment before making a decision is very typical. "Now that banks are too demanding on the condition and age of the home, it causes a significant decrease in the value of national assets. You can't get credit if there is even a small question mark in the condition inspection," laments SKVL's Mannerberg. Often the age of the house alone is reluctant for the bank to make a loan decision, even if the house is in excellent condition," he continues. At the moment, we are also seeing really strange phenomena at municipal borders, where credit is easier to obtain in one municipality than a few kilometres away in another. Especially the larger banks are overcautious here and hinder home and house sales in many areas.

"It's quite sad that people can't buy affordable apartments where they want," says Mannerberg, CEO of Finland's largest network of brokers.

Holiday homes have sold better this year


The most demanded type of holiday home is still a house with good amenities on the shore of a big water. Board cabins on the beaches will also be of interest to buyers. The possibility of year-round use in a holiday home is a significant factor in the choice. In particular, the attractiveness of so-called dry land grandma's cottages has decreased after the coronavirus period, and the only factor facilitating their sales is the attractive price level.

Holiday home sales have returned to the level they were at before the coronavirus epidemic and have picked up slightly from last year. The price level has come down somewhat. Somewhat surprisingly, luxury cottages have been in demand and have also been traded with foreign Central European buyers. Global warming is also beginning to show for many as a motive to buy a holiday home further north than in Central Europe, which is hot in the summer. The demand for island cottages is clearly slower except in the most popular river basins in Southwest Finland, Uusimaa and South Savo.

Rental housing market

Investors are on the move, but not quite as much as in the previous quarter. About 7% of trades were made by investors. Further north in Finland, the share of investors is higher. In market conditions, it is typical for larger foreign investors to buy larger bundles of apartments in Finland. Retail investors have bought some apartments for their children since the housing allowance changed this year.

The demand for rental apartments remains unchanged and the seasons are autumn and the beginning of the year as study places become clear. As well as other seasonal workplace areas, such as holiday resorts in Lapland, are examples.

The supply of rental housing will remain high and in practice prevent significant changes in the rent levels of new leases. In particular, cuts in housing allowance have affected the level of rents.




The willingness to buy indicator has risen clearly.
The willingness to buy indicator has risen clearly.
The willingness to sell has remained high.
The willingness to sell has remained high.
The most demanded type of housing is a newer detached house.
The most demanded type of housing is a newer detached house.
The sales volume of long-term old dwellings and the forecast for a slight rise next year. In the new ones more pronounced fall for more than two years.
The sales volume of long-term old dwellings and the forecast for a slight rise next year. In the new ones more pronounced fall for more than two years.
The demand for forest land is high.
The demand for forest land is high.
The demand for holiday homes has returned to pre-corona levels.
The demand for holiday homes has returned to pre-corona levels.
A slight increase in demand for single-family plots in the south.
A slight increase in demand for single-family plots in the south.
Cottage plots are reasonably requested in some places.
Cottage plots are reasonably requested in some places.
Home-like year-round cottages on the beach are most in demand.
Home-like year-round cottages on the beach are most in demand.
The share of first-time homebuyers has remained at a normal level, clearly rising in some places.
The share of first-time homebuyers has remained at a normal level, clearly rising in some places.
The share of investors has decreased slightly from the previous quarter. Further north, a higher share.
The share of investors has decreased slightly from the previous quarter. Further north, a higher share.
Prices are forecast to remain at the same level, with minor exceptions.
Prices are forecast to remain at the same level, with minor exceptions.
Trade volumes are expected to increase by 1-3% towards the end of 2024.
Trade volumes are expected to increase by 1-3% towards the end of 2024.
Prices for small apartments are not rising.
Prices for small apartments are not rising.
There are no major changes in the prices of large dwellings in blocks of flats.
There are no major changes in the prices of large dwellings in blocks of flats.
In terraced houses, prices are stable.
In terraced houses, prices are stable.
Prices of newer single-family houses rose slightly in some places.
Prices of newer single-family houses rose slightly in some places.
There is a slight decrease in prices of older single-family houses.
There is a slight decrease in prices of older single-family houses.
There are no changes in rents for small apartments.
There are no changes in rents for small apartments.
There are no changes in the prices of large rental dwellings.
There are no changes in the prices of large rental dwellings.
There is still a slight fall in the prices of new small dwellings.
There is still a slight fall in the prices of new small dwellings.
There is still a slight decrease in the prices of new, larger dwellings.
There is still a slight decrease in the prices of new, larger dwellings.
There is a slight decrease in holiday home prices.
There is a slight decrease in holiday home prices.
There is a slight increase in the transaction volumes of larger dwellings in blocks of flats.
There is a slight increase in the transaction volumes of larger dwellings in blocks of flats.
The transaction volumes of dwellings in terraced houses are rising.
The transaction volumes of dwellings in terraced houses are rising.
There is a clear increase in the transaction volumes of newer single-family houses.
There is a clear increase in the transaction volumes of newer single-family houses.
There were no changes or a slight decrease in the transaction volumes of older single-family houses.
There were no changes or a slight decrease in the transaction volumes of older single-family houses.
There is a slight increase in the number of new contracts for small rental apartments.
There is a slight increase in the number of new contracts for small rental apartments.
There is a slight increase in the number of new contracts for large rental apartments.
There is a slight increase in the number of new contracts for large rental apartments.
Sales of new dwellings in small blocks of flats remain unchanged at a low level.
Sales of new dwellings in small blocks of flats remain unchanged at a low level.
The sales volumes of new, larger dwellings in blocks of flats pick up slightly in some places.
The sales volumes of new, larger dwellings in blocks of flats pick up slightly in some places.
The sales volumes of holiday homes will decrease normally towards winter.
The sales volumes of holiday homes will decrease normally towards winter.



Association of Finnish Real Estate Agents (SKVL)

Association of Finnish Real Estate Agents SKVL. Cooperation for a safe exchange of housing. SKVL member companies work throughout the country to promote reliable and fair real estate brokerage. We are Finland's oldest and largest housing sales network, with nearly 500 offices and more than 1700 local experts in housing sales.

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