
FinnBuild opens at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre 8–10 October 2024


Welcome to FinnBuild, the largest building and building services fair in Finland, taking place from 8–10 October 2024. This year, we celebrate the 50th anniversary of FinnBuild, focusing on the future building and promoting the smart and responsible construction sector. 

Opening hours are Tue 9–18, Wed 9–19 and Fri 9–16. A link to accreditation is provided at the end of this invitation.  

A busy trade show floor with people visiting various company booths.

The FinnBuild programme will be held mostly in Finnish language and will focus on the construction sector's business cycle, future trends and smart building with its innovations. While energy efficiency remains a topical issue in the context of sustainability, the event will also discuss the use of bio-based materials in high-rise buildings. FinnBuild was first held in 1974 in the old exhibition hall in Töölö, marking a milestone worth celebrating. 

The FinnBuild 2024 programmes will take place on two stages: BuildingPRO (7f140, building, future), GreenPRO (3c31, circular economy, sustainability). 

The FinnBuild 50th Anniversary Exhibition (3e51) features a photographic exhibition on the history of Finnish construction, designed by Harri Hautajärvi. There is also an exhibition of FinnBuild press clippings from three decades 1970–1990.   

Finnish Fair Foundation prizes to be awarded at the fair   

FinnBuild Highlights - Audience Choice Thu 10.10. at 11.00, BuildingPRO stage. The crowd favourite Highlights company will receive a prize of 15 000 euros from the Finnish Fair Foundation. The winning product will be presented on stage.  

SPAN Wooden Bridge Competition Thu 10.10. Bridge testing starts in the morning in Hall 3, awards ceremony at 13.30 on the GreenPRO stage.   

You can get accredited here

FinnBuild, the largest event in the field of construction and building technology, takes place every two years. In 2022, the event attracted almost 18 000 visitors. 



Further information: Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Communications Manager Anu-Eveliina Mattila,, tel. +358 50 555 6183.

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