Invitation for media: Press conference for Pauline Curnier Jardin's exhibition on Thursday, 10 October


French artist Pauline Curnier Jardin’s first solo exhibition in Finland transforms Kiasma’s exhibition space into a grotesque theme park. The film works that await us in its depths offer glimpses into the fate of women and others marginalised in various ways in “entertainment” and as objects of power. Welcome to the press conference at the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma (5th floor) on Thursday 10 October 2024. Please register:

Pauline Curnier Jardin, Fat to Ashes, 2021.
Pauline Curnier Jardin, Fat to Ashes, 2021. Mathias Völzke

The press conference starts at 11:00. Before that, media representatives have the opportunity to explore the exhibition from 10:00. The exhibition will be open for preview until 13:00. The artist will be present at the conference.

Arrival: The doors of the museum open at 10:00. The address is Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki.

More information: Communications Officer Kiira Koskela,, +358 50 4786 861

About the exhibition

Pauline Curnier Jardin and set designer Rachel García have together created carnivalistic backdrops for the exhibition – their colours and lights draw us in. The soundscape created for the occasion generates an amusement park-like atmosphere. But, both the scenography and the sound warn us that something more ambiguous is about to emerge.

The installations serve as stages for films in which entertainment and violence are intertwined. Here, the women’s bodies are an object of the exercise of power, but the women also wield and subvert power.

The exhibition is open to the audience 11.10.2024–23.2.2025. Read more

The exhibition has been supported by the French Institute in Finland.

Artist’s biography 

Pauline Curnier Jardin (b. 1980, Marseille, France) lives and works in Marseille and works between Amsterdam, Zurich, Berlin and Rome. 

Curnier Jardin received the Preis der Nationalgalerie in 2019. Her works have been shown at: Hamburger Bahnhof – Nationalgalerie der Gegenwart, Berlin; Art Basel; Palais de Tokyo, Paris; Venice Biennale; Tate Modern, London; and Centre Pompidou, Paris. She is a recipient of the NN Art Award and the Prix Fondation d’Entreprise Ricard. 

Early in her career, Curnier Jardin lived in Rauma, where she took part in the RaumArs residency programme in 2007. She stayed in Finland for a year. 



Kiira Koskela, Communications Officer,, +358 294 500 631


Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma
Mannerheiminaukio 2
00100 Helsinki

The Finnish National Gallery is the national museum of fine arts. It operates three of Finland’s best-known museums: the Ateneum Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma and the Sinebrychoff Art Museum. It also manages the national art collection and its archives, develops Finnish cultural heritage and promotes art to the wider public.

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