Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala

Construction of the new Pitkäluodonkatu street will begin at Kruunuvuorenranta – the construction of a school progresses


The City of Helsinki will start the construction of Pitkäluodonkatu in October. The street will be built in the current sandy field, where previously there have been oil port tanks. Building the street will progress the construction of a new school.

Aerial view of the construction area. Pitkäluodonkatu is located on the sandy field of the oil port.
Aerial view of the construction area. Pitkäluodonkatu is located on the sandy field of the oil port.

The new Pitkäluodonkatu is a local plot street with the length of about 160 metres, and most of it will now be built. Building the street has no effect on the nearby streamlet in the area.

The construction of Pitkäluodonkatu will proceed in accordance with the legally valid street plan and has not been included in the administrative enforcement applications submitted for the area. The construction of other streets in the area is still suspended.

The construction of a new school in Kruunuvuorenranta is progressed

The city is advancing the construction of the new Kruunuvuorenranta school. The construction of Pitkäluodonkatu makes it possible to build a new school on the adjacent plot at Kruunuvuorenranta.

The goal is that the construction of the new school could begin in 2025. In addition to the school, Kruunuvuorenranta’s new school building would include a youth centre, a daycare centre and a playground.

The aim is to prepare the construction of the school plot as far as possible so that construction could begin in 2025. The city will announce the construction of the school later. Originally, the construction of the school was planned to begin in spring 2024.

The project has been delayed due to legal proceedings concerning street construction in Kruunuvuorenranta (Stansvik). In addition, a protected streamlet found near the plot has affected the progress of construction.

In order to solve the issue, the city has changed the implementation method and phasing of the area’s infrastructure construction so that the school and daycare centre building can be implemented before the completion of the wider street network. Facilities are urgently needed for the area’s growing population.

Sports facilities and commercial services have also been planned near the school. Their implementation time is still open.


Kruunuvuorenranta in general:
Kati Kiyancicek
Project Manager
City of Helsinki
City Executive Office
Tel.: +358 9 310 31624

Street building:
Lasse Mustonen
Project Manager, development
Urban Environment Division
tel. +358 9 310 39 839

School construction contract:
Arto Manninen
Project Manager
Urban Environment Division, Project Unit
tel. +358 9 310 31849


Aerial view of the construction area. Pitkäluodonkatu is located on the sandy field of the oil port.
Aerial view of the construction area. Pitkäluodonkatu is located on the sandy field of the oil port.
The new street and the new school are marked in the map.
The new street and the new school are marked in the map.

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