
The Pitch Finland Cyber Security finalists are chosen


Five chosen finalists showcase their innovative solutions and services in the cyber security sector. The five companies are Candour, Cyberday AI, DataDust™, SelfHack and Siren Anti-Cheat.

"Purple background with yellow text: 'Pitch Finland Cyber Security, 29 Oct 2024.' Cyber Security Nordic logo in the bottom corner."

The pitching final takes place at the Cyber Security Nordic event at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre on 29 October 2024. The winner will receive a € 10 000 prize donated by the Finnish Fair Foundation.  

This year the finalists will have an opportunity to present their ideas to investors from the Finnish Business Angel Network. Additionally, a Finnish-registered company or organisation will be awarded a €10,000 prize, donated by the Finnish Fair Foundation.  

“Cybersecurity is such a topical issue right now, so we anticipated high-calibre applications from companies addressing this global challenge and possessing the potential for international growth,” says Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen, CEO of FiBAN and chair of the competition jury. 

The final products in Pitch Finland Cyber Security 

Candour Face ID offers instant, fraud-proof identity verification that enhances security, prevents fraud, and builds trust in customers' businesses. 

Cyberday AI: Cyberday handles compliance tracking and reporting for customers, auditors, management, and authorities regarding information security standards (e.g., ISO 27001), EU directives (NIS2), and national laws. The solution supports multiple languages and compliance requirements, using AI to scale content for new markets. 

DataDust™ provides a 'dusted' page where prices and product information are hidden and protected, replicating a 'font' that AI can't read to prevent scraping and fraud. 

SelfHack is developing a cutting-edge platform that automates penetration testing tasks, provides comprehensive reporting, and supports continuous education, all integrated into a user-friendly dashboard. 

Siren Anti-Cheat provides game companies and esports organizations with a robust software solution to detect and prevent cheating. Using advanced algorithms, it ensures fair play by blocking hard-to-detect cheat software, including for metaverse, VR, and blockchain games. It supports both main and third-party integrations for broad usability. 

The members of Pitch Finland Cyber Security jury are:  

Catharina Candolin – OP​, Tommi Rasila – Partner, Boardman​, Mikko-Pekka Hanski – Partner, Double Tap Investment​ and Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen – CEO, FiBAN​. 

Key Dates:  
Pitch finals at Gold Stage 29 October 2024 at 11:30,  
Awards at Stage One 16:15–16:30. 

Where: Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Cyber Security Nordic. 

Pitch Finland Cyber Security is a competition organized by the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, in collaboration with FISC and FiBAN, to discover pioneering cybersecurity solutions with international growth potential. For more information about the competition, visit the Pitch Finland Cyber Security.  

Helsingin Messukeskus organises the Cyber Security Nordic professional event in collaboration with FISC (Finnish Information Security Cluster). The event’s strategic partners are: Cyberday, Fitsec, HP Finland, Microsoft, NetNordic, Nixu, Trend Micro, and Vectra.  

The Finnish Business Angel Network (FiBAN) is a non-profit association of private angel investors in Finland and one of the most active business angel networks in the world. FiBAN has over 600 investor members across 12 countries, and hundreds of companies receive funding through FiBAN annually.  



Communications, Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Anu-Eveliina Mattila, puh. +358 50 555 6183,, #CyberSecurityNordic2024   

Finnish Business Angels Network: Tiina Laisi-Puheloinen,, +358 40 750 7417  

FISC: Peter Sund,, +358 50 565 0621.  


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