Suomen Pankki

New look for Bank of Finland’s websites


The Bank of Finland website is one of four websites that have been redesigned with a brand new look. The other sites are, and The redesign gives the websites a consistent appearance and brings clearer content, a freshness and new artwork with a more human touch.

Our new website design and content were inspired by the feedback from users. The most important aspects of the redesign are a sharper focus on matters of current interest and a consistent look for the four different websites.

“We wanted to make the sites more usable and to make it easier to find information and publications. Information on interest rates, for example, which a lot of users go to, can now be found easily and quickly on the home page of,” says Head of Web and Digital Communications Mari Hienonen.

The purpose of the website redesign is to

  • standardise the appearance, content and navigation logic of all four websites
  • raise the profile of topical content with the aid of automatic highlighting
  • update the technical solutions and publication system
  • freshen up the visual appearance and improve the accessibility of content.

The practical improvements brought with the redesign include the positioning of interest rate information higher on the home page, and the ability to search publications for information. 

Take a look for yourself:

Further information

Mari Hienonen, Head of Web and Digital Communications,
tel. +358 9 183 2591, mari.hienonen(at)



Bank of Finland

The Bank of Finland is the national monetary authority and central bank of Finland. At the same time, it is also a part of the Eurosystem, which is responsible for monetary policy and other central bank tasks in the euro area and administers use of the world’s second largest currency – the euro.

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