Smart device utility applications surpassing entertainment in popularity


According to DNA’s Digital Life survey, the use of several applications on smart devices has grown since the previous year. Utility applications are prominent among the most popular applications, and, for example, the use of shopping bag applications has grown the most since last year. At the same time, more than a third of Finns find it difficult to go offline for a while. The Disconnect Day, which reminds us of the importance of smart-free moments, will be observed this year on Sunday, 20 October 2024.

Smart device utility applications surpassing entertainment in popularity
Smart device utility applications surpassing entertainment in popularity

The use of smart devices has grown significantly since the 2010s, and at the same time the ways in which they are used have become more diverse. According to DNA’s Digital Life survey, the largest growth among applications used on smart devices, up to 17 percentage points compared to the previous year, has occurred in the use of shopping bag applications. Mobile payments, banks’ payment applications and security applications have also increased their popularity.

The three most used application types on smart devices are banks’ payment applications (83%), messaging applications (77%), and map and route services (77%). The top 10 of the most used application categories also include social media, music and streaming. The least used categories, on the other hand, includes AI, learning and podcasts, although even these are used by approximately 17% of respondents.  Learning applications also show steady growth from previous years, and up to 49 percent of respondents expect to use AI in the next two years, at least occasionally. 

“Finns seem to be increasingly ready for a digital transformation in key daily aspects, such as retail and banking services, which is also reflected in the growing use of utility applications. The top three of the most used applications is made up of utility applications, while slight generally downward total usage trend from the previous year can be observed among music and streaming applications. At the moment, the use of utility applications seems to have surpassed the use of more entertaining applications,” says Senior Vice President, Communications, Sustainability and Brand Development Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck from DNA. 

People under 25 use entertainment applications more

“The study shows clear differences in application usage between age groups. People under 25 years of age use entertainment applications more, such as music and streaming. And those over 45 use more utility applications, such as security. The most used applications in the age group 25–34 years are social media and communication applications, but even among them, mobile payments and shopping bag applications are emphasised compared to other age groups.

WhatsApp and Facebook are the most common social media channels that are in active daily use. Social media applications are most used by people under 35. The use focuses on interaction with posts by others and following them. Only a very small percentage (9%) say they are actively posting on social media.

One in three find it difficult to go offline

The use of digital and mobile services is considered meaningful, and many people also want increase their online and mobile interaction. However, the desire to do more online or with a mobile phone has declined quite a lot over the past few years. Constant digital services are also perceived to interfere with concentration, which is experienced by more than a third of the respondents. Equally many respondents (39%) feel it is difficult to disconnect from the internet.

People under 25 limit the time they spend online and on the phone more than other age groups, and as many as a third of people between 16 and 24 have done so.  Other types of entertainment are still the most popular way to limit the use of smart devices, with up to 39% of respondents limiting phone use before bedtime.  

“It’s a good idea for everyone to stop and think about their own use of smart devices. As the use of devices continues to grow, the significance of smart-free moments is further emphasised. It’s good to be able to understand how smart devices are used and in what kinds of situations. Are they used to run errands, do work, be entertained or avoid boredom, for example? However, an identified need for limiting use has become stronger. For example, using the Do Not Disturb mode has become more popular,” adds Wahlbeck.  


Organised now for the third time, Disconnect Day encourages everyone to pay attention to their use of smart devices. This year, Disconnect Day will be observed on Sunday 20 October 2024, and then anyone who can do so, can intentionally put their smart devices aside. But spending time without smart devices is not about just one day. It is worth spending time offline on other days, as well. More information about Disconnect Day is available here.    

DNA’s Digital Life survey 

The Digital Life survey, produced jointly by DNA and Nepa, was conducted using an online panel from 18 March to 27 March 2023. Its aim is to find out how Finns use different digital services as well as their experience regarding digital inclusion. One thousand Finns aged 16 to 74 years responded to the annual survey. The survey has been conducted since 2013. Check out DNA’s Digital Life survey here. 

Media enquiries:

Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability & Brand Development, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 040 1671, vilhelmiina.wahlbeck@dna.fi  

DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000, communications@dna.fi


Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability & Brand Development, DNA
Vilhelmiina Wahlbeck, SVP, Communications, Sustainability & Brand Development, DNA

DNA is one of the leading telecommunications companies in Finland. Our purpose is to connect you to what matters most. We offer connections, services and devices for homes and workplaces, contributing to the digitalisation of society. Already for years, DNA customers have been among the world leaders in mobile data usage. DNA has about 3.7 million subscriptions in its fixed and mobile communications networks. The company has been awarded numerous times as an excellent employer and family-friendly workplace. In 2023, our total revenues was EUR 1,067 million and we employed about 1,700 people around Finland. DNA is a part of Telenor Group, a leading telecommunications company across the Nordics. More information: www.dna.fi, X @DNA_fi, Facebook @DNA.fi and LinkedIn @DNA-Oyj.

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