EWQ Zone Oy

EcoVadis’ highest Platinum rating reinforces EWQ Zone Oy's status as a leading sustainable company in its industry


The world’s leading organization for assessing corporate sustainability, EcoVadis, has awarded EWQ Zone Oy the highest-level Platinum certification. The Platinum rating is granted globally to only the top one percent of over 130,000 evaluated companies. Achieving the highest Platinum level is a milestone in our company’s strategic efforts towards a more sustainable future.

"Sustainability is a core part of our strategy and daily operations", says EWQ Zone Oy’s CEO and Sustainability Director, Sampo Brisk.
"Sustainability is a core part of our strategy and daily operations", says EWQ Zone Oy’s CEO and Sustainability Director, Sampo Brisk.

EWQ Zone Oy, which provides electronic price communication and modern queuing solutions, has achieved the highest Platinum level in the EcoVadis assessment, which comprehensively evaluates sustainability with a score of 84/100. This marks a seven-point improvement from last year, indicating significant progress in our sustainability measures, policies, and reporting. EcoVadis has been evaluating EWQ’s sustainability since 2020, and we have consistently reached medal levels each year. Achieving the Platinum level reinforces our position as one of the most sustainable companies in our industry and communicates our transparency, reliability, and sustainability to our stakeholders.

“Sustainability is a core part of our strategy and daily operations. We are proud to have achieved the Platinum level, which demonstrates that we have met our goal of being the most responsible player in our size category. A big thank you goes to our entire staff, who are behind all of this!” says Sampo Brisk, CEO and ESG Director of EWQ.

The EcoVadis assessment covers four main areas: environment, labor and human rights, business ethics, and sustainable procurement. The assessment criteria are based on international corporate sustainable standards, such as Global Compact Principles, the International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions, the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standard and the ISO 26000 standard. In the areas of labor and human rights and business ethics, EWQ scored 90/100, achieving an outstanding level, which indicates a structured and proactive approach to sustainability issues.

“Our updated sustainability program, launched last spring, delves deeper into the essential topics affecting our operations and stakeholders, as well as the related goals, actions, and reporting. We are extremely proud that our efforts in areas such as carbon footprint calculation, sustainable supply chain management, and fostering a diverse work culture have yielded results. We are strengthening our position as a sustainable partner for our customers and enhancing our image as an attractive employer,” says Sanni Siilin, EWQ’s CSR Coordinator.

One of the major reporting advancements was the expansion of carbon footprint calculations according to the GHG Protocol to include indirect emissions from the product value chain. This calculation helps us understand and manage the risks posed by greenhouse gases to our business. It includes both managing the impacts of climate change and identifying opportunities for emission reductions and operational efficiency.

“Our customers are also taking steps towards a carbon-neutral future. Without our reliable carbon footprint calculations, achieving our customers’ goals would be very difficult, if not impossible”, notes Brisk.

EcoVadis’ method of assessing corporate sustainability excellently covers the essential topics of our sustainability program and is therefore a good way to track the progress of our sustainability efforts. The feedback from the assessment is extremely valuable and a tool for continuous improvement.

EcoVadis is a leading sustainability and corporate social responsibility (CSR) rating company, having assessed over 130,000 companies across 175 countries and more than 220 industries. Its assessment methodology aims to measure the quality of companies’ sustainability management systems across three areas: policies, actions, and results. Additionally, EcoVadis has defined 21 sustainability criteria, which are divided into four categories: environment, labor and human rights, ethics, and sustainable procurement. Based on the assessment scores, EcoVadis awards companies with Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze recognition.



"Sustainability is a core part of our strategy and daily operations", says EWQ Zone Oy’s CEO and Sustainability Director, Sampo Brisk.
"Sustainability is a core part of our strategy and daily operations", says EWQ Zone Oy’s CEO and Sustainability Director, Sampo Brisk.



EWQ Zone Oy is a growing company specializing in electronic pricing communication and modern queuing solutions. These solutions facilitate pricing communication for retail stores and transform customer service points into more efficient and clearer operations, while also promoting sustainable growth and resource efficiency in the circular economy for client companies. The company, which operates in the Nordic countries and is Finnish-owned, has nearly thirty years of industry experience and a solid customer base that includes the largest retail chains in the Nordic region. Sustainability is a cornerstone of the company’s operations and strategy, and it is continuously developed beyond the requirements of stakeholders.

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