Kontula strengthens its status as urban cultural hub of Helsinki
Kontula, known for hosting cultural events, continues to grow and develop its distinctive cultural life thanks to the OmaStadi vote, which resulted in 300,000 euros for the strengthening of events activities in Kontula. The Kontula Cultural Mall (Kontulan kulttuuriostari) project starting this autumn will make Kontula the cultural mall for all of Helsinki. A dedicated events producer will be appointed for the district to support residents in organising events. The opening ceremony will be held in the Kontula shopping centre on Saturday 26 October.

Kontula, located in the Mellunkylä district in East Helsinki, is known for many popular events such as Kontula Electronic, KontuFestari, Ostarifestari and Kontula Urban Film Festival. The Kontula Cultural Mall project will lower the threshold for all local residents and operators to organise events.
”The Kontula shopping centre and the surrounding areas have served as the stage for cultural activities by the residents. I have travelled by metro decade after decade to participate in cultural events in Kontula, or “Kondeka.” The Kontula Cultural Mall project will further strengthen the cultural offering of the entire Mellunkylä district. The residents’ initiative and unique nature of the local culture are what make this place special, and this is something that the project will hopefully emphasise," says Deputy Mayor for Culture and Leisure Paavo Arhinmäki.
The project, a brainchild of local cultural operators, will be funded through OmaStadi, i.e. the participatory budgeting programme of the City of Helsinki. Larri Helminen, coordinator of the Vetoa ja Voimaa Mellunkylään network and an active city activist, is very pleased about the implementation of the Kontula Cultural Mall project:
“Mellunkylä with its nearly 40,000 residents has grown to become a bustling district for events in Helsinki. The Kontula shopping centre has become the heart of event activities, thanks to active local operators. The upcoming project will strengthen these activities with new creative operators and improve the image of the Kontula shopping centre as a lively and multicultural community centre."
Event producer supports locals
The Kontula Cultural Mall project coordinated by the Kontula Library provides support for coming up with ideas for and organising various cultural events. The producer hired for the project is Sinivuokko Koivula, whose task it is to assist local residents and operators in organising events.
“We can provide production and financial support, if necessary. We can guide aspiring event organisers in practical matters or provide financial support for the execution of a finished event concept. Or both, if necessary,” Sinivuokko Koivula says.
You can brainstorm ideas with Kontula Cultural Mall producer Sinivuokko Koivula in person, over the phone or by email. Koivula has meeting hours at the Kontula Library on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 15.00–17.00. The project will be operational between 2024 and 2026, but the aim is to create skills and operating models in local communities, which will enable lively Cultural Mall activities to continue even after the project.
Kontula Cultural Mall opening party to be held on Saturday 26 October
The project will be kicked off with an open celebration in the Kontula Library and in front of the library from 11.00 onwards on Saturday 26 October. The programme will include theatre and circus performances, workshops, music and coffee.
See the opening party programme
Sinivuokko KoivulaCultural ProducerHelsingin kaupunginkirjasto
Tel:040 186 2320sinivuokko.koivula@hel.fiMarjo HaatainenCommunications specialistKulttuuri ja vapaa-aika, Helsingin kaupunki
Tel:050 382 8150marjo.haatainen@hel.fiImages

The Culture and Leisure Division
The Culture and Leisure Division maintains and improves the opportunities of Helsinki residents of all ages to foster their wellbeing, learning and active citizenship.
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