Suomen Pankki

Bank of Finland announces upcoming vacancy for position of Governor


The position of Chair of the Board of the Bank of Finland will become vacant on 12 July 2025. The Parliamentary Supervisory Council at its meeting on 18 October set in motion the application process for the position.

The term of office for the Chair of the Board is seven years. The Chair serves as Governor of the Bank of Finland.

Applicants are required by law to have an appropriate higher university degree, a good knowledge of the monetary economy or financial operations, and proven management skills and management experience.

The call for applications can be viewed on the Bank of Finland's website. Applications, with a curriculum vitae attached, should be addressed to the Parliamentary Supervisory Council and submitted via the job opportunities section on the Bank of Finland's website no later than 12:00 noon on Friday 8 November 2024.

The Parliamentary Supervisory Council will submit an appointment proposal to the Government. The final decision on the appointment to the position of Chair of the Board will be made by the President of the Republic upon a proposal from the Government.

For further information please contact Antti Lindtman, Chair of the Parliamentary Supervisory Council, tel. +358 40 577 6255.



Bank of Finland

The Bank of Finland is the national monetary authority and central bank of Finland. At the same time, it is also a part of the Eurosystem, which is responsible for monetary policy and other central bank tasks in the euro area and administers use of the world’s second largest currency – the euro.

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