1Vision Biogas will change its name to St1 Biokraft
1Vision Biogas AB is pleased to announce that it will be changing its name to St1 Biokraft AB. This development follows the successful integration of St1 Nordic Oy’s biogas assets and Biokraft International AB, solidifying the company’s ambition to become a leading biogas player in the Nordic region.
St1 Biokraft is a joint venture between energy company St1, private equity firm HitecVision, and renewable energy company Aneo. This collaboration brings together strong expertise in energy transition, combining the strengths of each partner to create a leading biogas platform in the Nordics. Earlier this year, the joint venture acquired 100% ownership of Biokraft International AB, the leading producer of liquified biogas in the Nordic region. In September, it announced the closing of the acquisition of St1 Nordic Oy’s biogas assets.
In preparation for the launch of the new organisation, the joint venture operates under the interim name 1Vision Biogas. The new organisation is ready to start functioning as one company at the beginning of November, under the name St1 Biokraft AB.
“We are excited to continue to build on the robust foundation and opportunities this integration offers. The new name, St1 Biokraft, represents the integration of two strong, complementary entities into a single brand and company, driven by the ambition to become the leading biogas player in the Nordics. We want to continue building strong relationships with our customers and stakeholders, ensuring that we provide sustainable energy solutions that meet their needs”, says Miika Johansson, the new CEO of St1 Biokraft.
St1 Biokraft will continue to operate the entire biogas value chain, from feedstock sourcing to sales and distribution, with a strong focus on liquified biogas as a key growth opportunity within the energy transition. The company aims to achieve 3 TWh biomethane production and 6 TWh biomethane sales by 2030, targeting heavy transportation, maritime, and industrial applications. To achieve its goals, St1 Biokraft is committed to investing more than EUR 1 billion in biogas production and distribution networks in the Nordics.
St1 Biokraft has a strong upstream asset base, with 12 biogas production and upgrading plants in Sweden and Norway as well as a logistics company. It also has a network of compressed and liquified biogas stations and bus depot refuelling points. The current production capacity of St1 Biokraft is over 550 GWh, and the combined sales of biomethane are approximately 1 TWh. St1 Biokraft owns 50% of the shares in Suomen Lantakaasu Oy and supports its goal to produce 1 TWh of liquefied biogas in Finland by 2030. In addition, St1 Biokraft has several biogas growth projects in Sweden, Norway, and Finland.
St1's strong sales organisation and network will continue the distribution of St1 Biokraft’s products. In Sweden, St1 is already a leading biogas provider for the road transport segment.
Further information:
St1 Biokraft AB, Heidi Wold, Head of Communications and Marketing, tel. +46 70 630 58 17, heidi.wold@biokraft.com, as of 4 November, heidi.wold@st1biokraft.com
St1 Biokraft is a biogas growth company operating in the Nordics. The company’s business activities cover the whole biogas value chain, from feedstock sourcing to distribution and end user sales. St1 Biokraft’s target is to become a leading integrated biogas player in the Nordics by achieving 3TWh biomethane production and 6TWh biomethane sales by 2030, targeting heavy transportation, maritime and industrial applications. The current production capacity of St1 Biokraft is over 550 GWh and the combined sales of biomethane are approximately 1 TWh. St1 Biokraft owns 50% of the shares in Suomen Lantakaasu Oy and supports its goal to produce 1 TWh of liquefied biogas in Finland by 2030. In addition, St1 Biokraft has several biogas growth projects in Sweden, Norway, and Finland. St1 Biokraft is owned by energy company St1, private equity firm HitecVision, and renewable energy company Aneo.
Liisa JoenpolviHead of Communications and Media RelationsSt1 Nordic Oy
St1 Nordic Oy is an energy group whose vision is to be the leading producer and seller of CO2-aware energy. The Group researches and develops economically viable, environmentally more sustainable energy solutions. St1 focuses on fuels marketing activities, oil refining and renewable energy solutions such as waste-based advanced biofuels and industrial wind power. The Group has more than 1,250 St1 and Shell branded retail stations and gas filling points in Finland, Sweden and Norway. With its headquarters in Helsinki, St1 currently employs more than 1,000 people.
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