
“Skilled, Friendly and Responsible” – Qualities Valued by Congress Organisers at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre


Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre will host eight major international congresses in 2025, drawing over 25,000 participants. Our success is based on top-notch services and experienced staff, as well as showcasing Finland’s award-winning expertise in happiness and sustainability.

The major congress in neurology, EAN, will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre for the second time next year.
The major congress in neurology, EAN, will be held at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre for the second time next year.

Next year, the congresses at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) are expected to attract over 25,000 international delegates. Notable events include the ESPGHAN congress focused on paediatric gastroenterology, the ESOC congress for stroke researchers, and the EAPC congress on palliative care. In June, approximately 5,000 nursing professionals are expected at the ICN World Congress.

Messukeskus has also been selected as the venue for the EENA congress, which discusses emergency services and security technologies, and the EAN congress, which was so successful last year at Messukeskus that neurologists opted to hold their next congress here as well. In the autumn, Messukeskus will host two additional major conferences, with further details to be announced later.

Finland: A Friendly Safe, and Responsible Congress Destination

International congress organisers highlight Finland's strengths, including its friendliness, efficient public transport, pleasant weather, and Helsinki’s clean and enjoyable green spaces. In the 2023 ranking by UIA (Union of International Associations), Finland was the 16th most popular congress country in the world.

For the seventh consecutive year, Finland has been named the happiest country in the world by the UN Sustainable Development Network. Furthermore, Helsinki was recently listed as the world’s most sustainable tourism destination in the Global Destination Sustainability (GDS) index.

Messukeskus Invests Heavily in Its Services

Messukeskus’s commitment to sustainability encompasses not only safety and environmental initiatives but also social responsibility. Messukeskus employs individuals requiring special support and assists congress organisers with socially significant projects.

The knowledgeable and versatile staff receive praise. “When we speak about the venue, it's more than just a building; it's about the people behind it! The Messukeskus staff truly knows what they’re doing, and every single person is so friendly, from the carpet guys to security,” describes Florian Wild, congress manager of the EAN congress held at Messukeskus last summer.

“We are building Finland’s and Helsinki’s attractiveness in collaboration with the City of Helsinki and our other partners. We are also investing heavily in service development. Our new seating acquisition will allow us to create arena-style seating for up to 7,500, equipped with state-of-the-art lighting and sound technology in our largest halls. Additionally, we have the largest LED wall in a meeting room in Finland, covering over 100 square metres,” says Congress Manager Paula Blomster.

Meet Us at IBTM24 at Finland Stand H43

Messukeskus will showcase its services at the international IBTM congress in Barcelona from 19-21 November 2024. Congress Manager Paula Blomster will be available at the Finnish stand H43 and will speak on the Impact Stage on Wednesday, 20 November at 14:30, presenting “Unlocking the Power of Congress Legacy: A Case Study from Helsinki.”

The presentation will discuss leaving a positive legacy in the host city as an essential part of congress planning. Blomster will share a practical example from the EAN congress held at Messukeskus, which successfully inspired Finnish schools to participate in a project promoting students’ brain health, thus leaving a significant and sustainable impact on the local community.

International Congresses at Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre in 2025:

  • European Emergency Number association (EENA) Conference and Exhibition, April 7-11, 2025 (900 participants)
  • Meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Hepatology and Nutrition (ESPGHAN), May 14-17, 2025 (4000 participants)
  • European Stroke Organisation (ESO) Conference, May 21-23, 2025 (4000 participants)
  • 19th World Congress of the European Association for Palliative Care (EAPC), May 29-31, 2025 (2800 participants)
  • International Council of Nurses (ICN), June 9-13, 2025 (5000 participants)
  • 11th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN), June 21-24, 2025 (6000 participants)
  • International Conference (name to be announced later), September 2025 (1000 participants)
  • International Conference (name to be announced later), December 2025 (2000 participants)

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre at IBTM24: Finland Stand H43.



For more information: Congress Manager Paula Blomster, +358 40 456 6066,


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