The Kainuu ELY Centre provided a reasoned conclusion on the Suomussalmi talc project
Tulikivi Oyj's subsidiary, Nordic Talc Oy, is investigating the commencement of talc production in the Kivikangas mining area within the Haaponen deposit, located in Suomussalmi.
The project aims to transform the Suomussalmi soapstone quarry and factory into a modern, energy and material-efficient talc production facility.
The environmental impact assessment (EIA) procedure for the Suomussalmi talc resource utilization project concluded with a reasoned decision by the Kainuu ELY Centre, which acted as the contact authority, on 6.11.2024.
The ELY Centre considers the EIA report to be of sufficient quality and largely compliant with the content requirements set out in the EIA Act. The reasoned decision includes a description of the project and its environmental impacts, as well as additional study needs. The company will now carefully review the contents of the just-received reasoned decision and take it into account in the preparation of the project's environmental permit application.
The ongoing planning of the talc production project is progressing as planned. Despite the good progress of the project, it is still too early to assess the final implementation or economic impact of the project.
The documentation of the EIA process can be found on the State Environmental Administration's website at:
Erkki KuronenNordic Talc
Tel:+358 50 599 3539Heikki VauhkonenTulikivi Corporation
Tel:+358 40 5245593Tulikivi Corporation
Tulikivi is a Finnish family-owned company specializing in fireplaces, stoves, and interior stones. The company manufactures durable and ecological heating solutions that combine top-notch design and functionality. Tulikivi's products are made from high-quality natural and recycled materials, and they are known for their long lifespan and energy efficiency. Tulikivi has achieved international success and is a respected player in its field.
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