Blind Channel: After Dark Side – Documentary Series Follows the Band's World Conquest and Takes Viewers Behind the Scenes
The five-part Blind Channel: After Dark Side documentary series, will premiere December 16, 2024 on Finnish Broadcasting Company’s streaming service Yle Areena. The series, available with English subtitles, takes viewers behind the scenes of the band’s quest for international fame.
Blind Channel is one of Finland's brightest stars in music exports. After their success at the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest, the band found themselves at a turning point in their career: the goal was to create an album that would elevate them to global superstardom. Aiming to become the world's biggest alternative rock band, the group toured European summer festivals while also trying to break into U.S. rock radio.
The documentary series, featuring previously unreleased material, takes viewers into the recording studio and backstage at concert venues. It also reveals how each band member has faced their own personal challenges, from bullying in school to burnout. Despite all the obstacles, the band’s strong sense of unity remains intact, and they refuse to give up on their shared goal: Blind Channel is determined to become the biggest band in the universe.
In the first episode, the band heads to the iconic heartbeat of Los Angeles to seek inspiration for their new, even bigger follow-up album to the hit Dark Side. The band has set an extremely high bar for themselves and doesn’t hesitate to say it out loud. Guitarist Joonas Porko shares how being bullied in school affected him, and how his passion for music changed everything.
"I haven’t slept in three nights." In the second episode, the hit songs for the album have been written. Amid the recording sessions, the band is in the middle of a tightly scheduled European tour, really testing their mental and physical stamina. The band’s DJ and producer, Alex Mattson, who has experienced burnout in his earlier solo DJ career, uses that experience to stay a bit more grounded during the current hectic situation.
"If you want to succeed, you can’t stop." In the third episode, as the album nears completion, the band travels to Germany to shoot a music video. The trip continues directly to the United States for a west coast tour. Before the promotional tour, the band returns to their roots in Oulu – the city where it all began, and one that holds special meaning for them.
"We made it to the Billboard charts and no one in Finland cares." In the fourth episode, the band’s biggest concert in history at Nokia Arena in Tampere is approaching, and planning is in full swing. At the same time, they are promoting themselves intensely to U.S. rock radio stations. The band’s latest single Deadzone is climbing the charts and has entered the Billboard Top 30, while the Exit Emotions album is being released. How will fans react? Lead vocalist Joel Hokka also opens up about his own challenges and how ADHD has affected his life.
"Fans are the only thing that makes this band possible." In the final episode of the series, the moment of truth arrives: will the new album capture the audience's interest, and will fans show up to the concerts? The band first tours Europe, and the journey of the Exit Emotions album culminates in the concert at Nokia Arena. Lead vocalist Niko Moilanen opens up about common challenges faced by many artists, such as deep melancholy and alcohol use. In the end, it is revealed how the new album is received and whether it meets the set goals.
Blind Channel: After Dark Side documentary series can be watched internationally with English subtitles on Yle Areena, on Monday, December 16, 2024.
For more information, pls contact:
Eveliina Väyrynen, Executive Producer, Yle
Blind Channel interview requests:
Katja Vauhkonen, Backbone Management
Juhani LassilaYle Communications
Puh:+358 40 541 2365ext-juhani.lassila@yle.fiKuvat
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