Gynecological Outpatient Clinic moves from Haartman Hospital to Women’s Hospital
The Gynecological Outpatient Clinic located in Haartman Hospital is moving to Women’s Hospital on November 11, 2024.
The renovation of the A section of the Women's Hospital has been completed and new facilities are opening for gynecological appointments. The “Gynecological Outpatient Clinic, Helsinki” located in Haartman Hospital is moving to Women’s Hospital on November 11, 2024. In the process, the unit will merge with the Gynecological Outpatient Clinic of the Women's Hospital into a single unit.
"It is great that the two gynecological outpatient clinics in Meilahti can now be merged into a single unit where we can offer patients a wide range of examinations and treatment. Now we're going to have all services under one roof and the facilities have been renovated to accommodate this,” says Maarit Mentula, Head of Gynecological Outpatient Clinics.
The new unit will be responsible for treating about 30,000 patients annually. The Gynecological Outpatient Clinic treats and examines many gynecological diseases. The most common ones include menstrual disorders, gynecological pain, urinary incontinence, various changes in the uterus and ovaries, gynecological tumors and cancer, and cellular or tissue changes, inflam-mation, or pain in the vagina or vulva. The outpatient clinic also performs procedures and abortions.
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HUS Helsinki University Hospital is the biggest provider of specialized healthcare in Finland. Our high expertise is internationally recognized and accredited. As a university hospital, we are on the cutting edge of developing and evaluating our treatment methods and activities.
HUS treats almost 700,000 patients every year. Our more than 27,000 professionals work to provide the best possible care for our patients. We are responsible for organizing specialized health care in the Uusimaa region. The treatment of many rare and difficult diseases in Finland has been centralized to HUS as well.
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