Amos Rex’s 2025 exhibitions challenge visitors’ understanding of reality – and of each other
Amos Rex will host three unique exhibitions in 2025, challenging visitors’ notions of reality and opening up new ways of experiencing art. Anna Estarriola and Leandro Erlich play with the limits of space and perception, using illusion and perspective to form new spatial entities. Enni-Kukka Tuomala’s Studio exhibition invites visitors to consider our ways of thinking, feeling and moving through the world and to inhabit other realities.
In the spring, Amos Rex presents the exhibition Staged Circumstances and Piles of Things by Catalonia-born, Helsinki-resident Anna Estarriola (b. 1980). In Estarriola’s art, the impossible becomes ambiguous and our ways of perceiving reality are pondered from several different angles. The multidimensional installations draw from science and different belief systems and describe efforts towards communication, understanding and cooperation, as well as the moments of uncertainty and failure that are inextricably linked to them.
The exhibition will extend across Amos Rex’s subterranean spaces in a winding labyrinth, where scales and distances vary from one work to another, and different senses are activated through the shifting perspective. Combining sculpture, moving image, sound and electronics, the works create a dynamic experience, with each installation taking us on a journey into diverse understanding and insights. The exhibition is curated by Katariina Timonen.
At the same time, Expanding Empathies by the London-based Finnish artist Enni-Kukka Tuomala (b. 1987) awakens us to question to what extent we seek to surround ourselves with only familiar things, thoughts and people. The exhibition in Studio Rex challenges growing polarisation by creating an experimental space for encountering different perspectives and fostering connections that burst our own individual bubbles.
At the heart of the exhibition is the intimate installation Empathy Echo Chamber, which invites two strangers to step inside a unique experience, encouraging them to share their experiences and to reflect on them together. Expanding Empathies is Tuomala’s first solo exhibition in Finland. The exhibition is curated by Anastasia Isakova.
In the autumn, the Argentinian-born artist Leandro Erlich (b. 1973) will show large-scale, participatory installations that blur our perceptions of reality. In Erlich’s playful world, the laws of physics do not apply, and familiar states and situations begin to feel unreal.
Erlich’s works play with false impressions of architecture, gravity and perspective, and is filled with visual and sensory illusions. Viewers who find themselves in this world can no longer trust what they actually see. The Amos Rex exhibition will be the first time that Erlich’s art is seen in Finland. The curator is Anastasia Isakova.
Amos Rex exhibitions in 2025
Anna Estarriola: Staged Circumstances and Piles of Things 2 April–31 August 2025
Enni-Kukka Tuomala: Expanding Empathies 2 April–31 August 2025
Leandro Erlich: 8 October 2025 – 29 March 2026
Collections 2025
Sigurd Frosterus Collection exhibition, permanently on display.
Amos Anderson’s collections are exhibited in the Amos Andersons Hem house museum on Yrjönkatu Street and in the Söderlångvik museum on Kimito Island, which is open from May to September 2025.
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Iiris MattssonCommunications SpecialistAmos Rex
Tel:+358 (0)50 302 2260iiris.mattsson@amosrex.fiImages
Amos Rex
Amos Rex is an art museum where the past, present and future meet. Located within the functionalist landmark of Lasipalatsi, the newly built domed exhibition spaces lie under the distinctively undulating Lasipalatsi square. Amos Rex presents site-sensitive, experiential and often technologically experimental exhibitions by contemporary artists and their Modernist predecessors. Amos Rex is owned by Föreningen Konstsamfundet.
Amos Rex
Mannerheimintie 22–24
00100 Helsinki
@amoskonst #amosrex
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