DNA’s ultra-fast broadband service now available in Satakunta – enables streaming of multiple 8K ultra-high definition videos without loss of quality


Demand for high-speed broadband connections is growing. DNA is responding to this need by bringing broadband speeds of 2 Gbps available to more households. Now, the coverage area of our high-speed broadband network in Satakunta has expanded to new locations in Ulvila, Eura, Rauma and elsewhere.

DNA’s ultra-fast broadband service now available in Satakunta – enables streaming of multiple 8K ultra-high definition videos without loss of quality
DNA’s ultra-fast broadband service now available in Satakunta – enables streaming of multiple 8K ultra-high definition videos without loss of quality

DNA was the first to operator in Finland to launch broadband subscriptions with a speed of 2 Gbps in the fibre optic and cable networks in the spring of 2024, when the service became available to 100,000 households across the country. Since then, the service has been expanded to cover new areas and households. Our goal is to extend the coverage of new, faster broadband services to DNA’s entire cable network by the end of 2026.

“Remote working, online gaming and video streaming are on the rise, increasing the need for fast and reliable connections. More and more services are becoming digitalised, which also increases the amount of data transferred. Broadband subscriptions with a speed of 2 Gbps in the fibre optic and cable networks respond to this growing need, and we are constantly expanding our coverage area to new location,” says Mikko Kannisto, Vice President, Broadband Business at DNA.

The latest expansions in coverage are centered especially in the Satakunta region. The service is now available across a wider area in Pori and available for the first time in Ulvila, Harjavalta, Nakkila, Huittinen, Kankaanpää, Eura and Rauma. High-speed subscriptions are available in the fixed cable and fibre optic broadband networks.

“In addition to new locations in Satakunta, the service has also expanded to cover new neighbourhoods in as well as Siilinjärvi and Nilsiä,” says Kannisto.

Video streaming without buffering or loss of quality

High-speed internet connections are especially useful when dealing with large amounts of data. A connection speed of 2 Gbps enables the streaming of multiple simultaneous 4K and even 8K videos without buffering or loss of quality.

“Upgrading to a faster broadband connection may be necessary if the internet at home is used for gaming and streaming videos, or if several people work remotely from home at the same time,” Kannisto says.

DNA has a long background in the development of fibre optic and cable technology. In the early 2000s, the company made the decision to develop broadband services over fibre optic and cable technology rather than the telephone network. Cable broadband enables high-speed connections even in buildings where the internal network has not been modernised. This way, upgrading the internal network can be postponed and coupled with a larger HVAC and plumbing renovation, for example. The majority of DNA’s fixed-network services are delivered to homes using fibre-optic or copper cables. DNA’s cable broadband connections are primarily based on routing fibre-optic cables all the way to the customer’s building.

“Cable broadband technology will enable even faster connections of up to 10 Gbps in the future in existing wireless internal networks. Alongside fibre optic and cable technologies, mobile technology continues to develop, too. Last year, DNA demonstrated the feasibility of connection speeds of 10 Gbps in its commercial mobile network,” says Kannisto.

Media enquiries:

Mikko Kannisto, VP, Broadband Business, DNA Plc, tel. +358 44 590 2527, mikko.kannisto@dna.fi  

DNA Corporate Communications, tel. +358 44 044 8000, viestinta@dna.fi



Mikko Kannisto, Vice President, Broadband Business, DNA
Mikko Kannisto, Vice President, Broadband Business, DNA

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