The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service celebrates its 15-year journey
By the end of October this year, the service had been contacted nearly 4,000 times, which is already more than all of last year.
Number of contacts has increased
By the end of October 2024, the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service had been contacted nearly 4,000 times, which is more than all of last year. "The financial situation is reflected in the number of people contacting us. In spring 2020, a record number of contacts were made, as the COVID-19 pandemic had a dramatic impact on the operations of companies. Since then, we have carried out numerous communication activities and tried to raise awareness of the services available to companies," says Jari Leskinen, the TE Customer Service Centre's Development Manager responsible for the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service.
The counselling service for businesses started in 2009
In 2009–2013, the current Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service was called Talousapu-puhelinpalvelu and was part of the PKT Foundation at the time. In 2014, the service was transferred to the TE Customer Service Centre under the name Yritys-Suomi Talousapu.
The service was renewed in spring 2021 and the new operating model was called the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service. The reform was based on the EU Directive on preventive restructuring and discharge of debt, the insolvency directive and the provisions of the government programme at the time, such as entrepreneurs' opportunity for a new start and support for the coping of entrepreneurs. The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service also joined the Europe-wide Early Warning network, which develops counselling and support for companies with financial difficulties. In addition to the national advisory service, the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service operating model includes a regional business counselling network and an online service that provides entrepreneurs with information for improving the company’s finances.
"During its 15-year history, the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service has proven to be a valuable support for entrepreneurs all over Finland. Our customers receive confidential advice from professionals specialising in corporate finances and financial difficulties by phone at a time that suits them, at the price of the local network charge. Customer feedback surveys indicate satisfaction with the service: the service's score for 2024 was 4.5/5," says Development Manager Jari Leskinen.
Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service
- in Finnish, Mon–Fri, from 9–16.15, tel. 0295 024 880
- in Swedish, Thu, from 9–16.15, tel. 0295 024 881
- in English, Mon–Fri, from 9–16.15, tel. 0295 024 882
- Company’s financial difficulties and their prevention (
The Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service is coordinated by the TE Customer Service Centre, directed by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland. Due to the TE24 reform at the beginning of 2025, the service will be managed by the KEHA Centre.
Jari Leskinen
Development Manager
TE Customer Service Centre
02950 24468
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