Helsingin kaupunki, kaupunkiympäristön toimiala

Residential buildings are planned for the former service station plot in Ruskeasuo – draft options are now available for comments


New apartment buildings and commercial premises are planned in Ruskeasuo. Four options have been prepared for the plot on the corner of Koroistentie and Mannerheimintie. A reference plan will be drawn up as the basis for a plan proposal, and it may consist of the presented options or a combination of them. The options are available for comments on the Voice your opinion (Kerrokantasi) website until 16 December. The feedback received will be used in the selection and further planning of the chosen option.

The corner of Koroistentie and Mannerheimintie.
The corner of Koroistentie and Mannerheimintie. Satu Lavinen

The lease agreement for the service station plot at Koroistentie 10 is about to expire. The new plan solution is intended to enable residential construction. The inner-city-like residential block would also include brick-and-mortar commercial premises. The planning has also investigated ways to include a small number of buildings on the edges of the park near the plot.

New homes and brick-and-mortar premises with great connections

Four preliminary draft options have been prepared for the residential block to help evaluate the functionality of various solutions. None of the options will be used as such to create the local detailed plan proposal in the next stage; instead, the plan proposal will be based on a combination of the most appropriate features of the options.

In the options, the main focus of construction is on the service station plot, and the tallest buildings will be near the intersection of Mannerheimintie and Nauvontie. In all the options, the side of the park will also include some construction. The buildings will be lower nearer Old Ruskeasuo. By car, the plot and parking will be accessed from Koroistentie.

As infill construction is carried out in the area, the facilities and activities included the Tilkanmäki park area, such as the locations of playgrounds and sitting areas, will also be examined. The draft options also evaluate the northernmost routes of the Tilkanmäki park, as well as the location of the so-called cotton reel kiosk, which is important for the area.

Draft options available for comments online

You can comment on the draft options in the Voice your opinion (Kerrokantasi, in Finnish) online service until 16 December. The service also includes a short presentation video about the plans, in which a planner officer describes the drafts and briefly reviews the feedback received on the participation and evaluation plan. You can watch the video on the Voice your opinion website.

Once opinions have been collected, the planning will proceed, and a reference plan and plan proposal will be developed for the area. The plan proposal and reference plan are expected to be available in summer 2025. The aim is to present the revised plan proposal and the feedback received during the preparation to the Urban Environment Committee at the end of 2025.


Leena Paavilainen
Urban Environment Division
+358 9 310 64424

Oula Rahkonen
Landscape Architect
Urban Environment Division
+358 9 310 27273


The corner of Koroistentie and Mannerheimintie.
The corner of Koroistentie and Mannerheimintie.
Satu Lavinen


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