
SecD-Day Conference and Exhibition Programme Announced: A Comprehensive Platform for Security and Defence


The programme for the SecD-Day Conference and Exhibition 2025 has been released. The event, taking place in January 2025 in Helsinki, will feature a diverse lineup of speakers, including Minister of Defence of Finland Antti Häkkänen, Stacy A. Cummings, General Manager of NATO’s Support and Procurement Agency, and Timo Pesonen, Director-General for Defence Industry and Space at the EC.

SecD-Day logo
The full SecD-Day programme, including details of the speakers, can be viewed on the event website.

SecD-Day Conference & Exhibition promotes Finland’s comprehensive security by addressing current industry issues and technological solutions. Commissioned by the Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries - PIA, the event will take place at the Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre from 29 to 30 January 2025.

The programme, designed and built by PIA, will offer insights through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and industry presentations, in addition to the official opening session.

There is no security without industry

The conference will be opened by Mr. Antti Häkkänen, Minister of Defence of Finland, followed by a keynote speech from Ms. Stacy A. Cummings, General Manager of the NATO Support and Procurement Agency.

At noon, the conference will kick off with an all-Finnish panel titled “There is no defence without industry,” moderated by Secretary General Jan Pie, representing ASD, the European Association of the Aerospace, Defence, Security, and Space Manufacturing Industry.

The panel consists of distinguished experts representing NATO, the European Commission, the defence industry, and the Finnish Ministry of Defence, including high-ranking officials and industry leaders.

In the afternoon, the focus will shift to international collaboration and tech talks by exhibiting companies. The session will cover themes such as technological cooperation between Ukrainian and EU defense companies, European joint programs, and transatlantic collaboration. Later in the day, the conference will delve into specific topics such as simulation and arctic support.

Deep-tech technologies and Nordic cooperation

The second day will start with a keynote speech by Major General Jari Mikkonen, Deputy Chief of Staff for Armaments and Logistics at Joint Command.

After the morning keynote speeches, the conference will explore deep-tech technologies for security and defence, including insights from AI projects with the armed forces and how defence forces and traditional defence industry companies can benefit from dual-use technologies. The programme will resume with a panel discussion on Nordic Cooperation, followed by company tech talks.

The SecD-Day conference programme is open to all registered attendees. The full programme, including details of the speakers, can be viewed on the event website at, with minor changes possible.

Exhibition Spotlight: Over 150 Industry Leaders on Display

The sold-out SecD-Day exhibition will showcase the latest in security and defence technology from over 150 companies and stakeholders. The event has expanded its allocated exhibition space multiple times, now covering an area exceeding 6,000 square meters.

The Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries - PIA is the trade association of the defence, aerospace and security industries in Finland.  Founded in 1994, the association has over 200 member companies.

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) produces high-quality trade fairs, conferences and other events and rents out its facilities and services as an arena for various events. The owner company Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919.  



Finnish Defence and Aerospace Industries - PIA, Tuija Karanko, tuija.karanko(at), +358 40 559 8986. Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre, Business Manager Anssi Rajala, anssi.rajala(at), +358 40 843 3936


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Helsingin Messukeskus on Suomen elämyksellisin tapahtumakortteli ja vaikuttavin kohtaamismedia. Onnistuneet kohtaamiset jättävät vahvan muistijäljen ja tuottavat kiistatonta tulosta. Suomen suurin tapahtumajärjestäjä tuottaa laadukkaita tapahtumia sekä vuokraa tilojaan ja palvelujaan erilaisten tapahtumien areenaksi. Messukeskuksen itse tuottamia tapahtumia ovat mm. Habitare, Helsingin Kirjamessut, Educa, FinnBuild, Matkamessut ja Vene Båt. Vierastapahtumina Messukeskuksen tiloissa järjestetään mm. Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, Koiramessut sekä lukuisia kansainvälisiä kongresseja ja yritystapahtumia vuosittain. Tilat käsittävät 7 hallia, 40 muuntuvaa kokoustilaa, 21 ravintolaa ja oman tapahtumahotellin. Omistajayritys Suomen Messut Oyj perustettiin vuonna 1919. | Messukeskus. The real social media. | @messukeskus

Helsinki Expo and Convention Centre (brand name Messukeskus) hosts Finland’s most inspiring events and exciting encounters. We create successful and lasting interactions with undisputable results. As Finland’s premier experience provider, we organise high-quality events and rent out our facilities for various occasions. Events produced by Messukeskus include, among others, Habitare, the Helsinki Book Fair, Educa, Finnbuild, Matka Nordic Travel Fair, and Helsinki International Boat Show. Messukeskus also hosts guest events such as Slush, Nordic Business Forum, Assembly, International Dog Fair, as well as many international congress and business events every year. Our premises include 7 halls, 40 convertible meeting rooms, 21 restaurants, and our own hotel.The Finnish Fair Corporation was founded in 1919. |  Messukeskus. The real social media | @messukeskus 

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