Espoon kaupunki - Esbo stad

Espoo to lease a block in Keilaniemi to AB Invest for the construction of a hotel and office building


The City of Espoo will lease a hotel, commercial and office block to AB Invest AS with a purchase option. The Norwegian company will construct a hotel and congress centre and an office building on the plot. The Business and Competitiveness Subcommittee of Espoo’s City Board will decide on leasing the plot at its meeting on Monday 2 December.

An illustration of Keilaniemi in Espoo. There is a tall hotel tower in the centre with a lower office building made of wood on its left-hand side. There are other tall buildings in the background and water in the foreground.
The new hotel and office building will be constructed on filled land. Snøhetta and Arkkitehdit Davidsson Tarkela Oy

The project kicked off in October 2019 when the Business and Competitiveness Subcommittee reserved the plot for AB Invest. The plot is located on the southern side of the Keilaranta street, near the Keilaniemi metro station and the light rail terminus. The planned 34-storey hotel will have about 500 rooms. The wooden 8-storey office building to be built on the western side of the hotel will have a gross floor area of about 15,000 square metres. The total permitted building volume on the plot is 42,300 gross square metres. 

Espoo’s City Council approved the detailed plan for the area in early 2024, and the plan is now legally valid. 

The term of lease is 30 years, and the leaseholder also has an option to purchase the plot. 

The goal is to complete the area in 2029. Construction work will start with dredging and filling.

“The Keilaranta hotel and congress centre is part of the broader development of the Keilaniemi area. Once completed, the hotel will be the tallest building in Keilaniemi. The project will boost the appeal of the area significantly,” says Olli Isotalo, Espoo’s Deputy Mayor for Urban Environment.




A networked Espoo comprising five city centres will be a pioneering responsible and 
humane city that is a good place to live, learn, work and do business in and where residents can have their say in matters. 



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