
The National Emergency Supply Agency of Finland signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a Ukrainian agency


The Memorandum of Understanding formalises the cooperative bilateral relationship between the National Emergency Supply Agency (NESA) and the Administration of the State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection (SSSCIP).


The Memorandum of Understanding is linked to the Agreement on security cooperation and long-term support between the Republic of Finland and Ukraine signed in April 2024.

The signing of the Memorandum took place in Kyiv Ukraine on November 28th.  

Cooperation focuses on Critical infrastructure protection

Due to Russia’s war of aggression in Ukraine and thanks to Ukrainians determined and continued resistance, there is a wealth of experience and lessons to be learned related to the protection of critical infrastructure.

It is of particular interest to NESA to be able to learn from our Ukrainian colleagues about the efforts related to safeguarding the continued functionality of critical infrastructure and its restoring in conflict circumstances.

“Their expertise in keeping the societal functions running and ability to apply novel, but practical means to solve critical infrastructure disruptions can offer invaluable insights to us here and NESA and in Finland”, says the CEO Janne Känkänen of NESA.

What NESA can offer in return is, for example, its long-term experience in engaging the private sector in national preparedness efforts and situational awareness to keep the society as safe as possible and to make it shockproof. Ukraine’s determined resistance to Russia’s aggression continues to be a great source of inspiration. Finland is committed to continue its support to Ukraine, for as long as it takes.

“I am grateful to Finland for the aid provided to Ukraine and its citizens. The signing of this Memorandum will further enhance our systematic cooperation with Finland, building upon the Security Agreement between our countries, an initiative of the President of Ukraine. We are prepared to share our unique experience, such as protecting critical infrastructure from mass drone attacks, and we believe that this information will be of interest to our Finnish colleagues,” says the Head of SSSCIP Oleksandr Potii.

More information:

Janne Känkänen, CEO, NESA, through assistant Emmi Laaksonen,


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