State Treasury’s organisational reform will come into effect on 1 January, 2025
The State Treasury’s organisation will be reformed at the turn of the year. The purpose of the reform is to strengthen the core functions of the State Treasury and reinforce cooperation across organisation. The reform lays a foundation for the State Treasury to streamline its organisation and operations in times of tightening public finances. The reform also supports the implementation of State Treasury’s strategy, which is centered on impact and sustainability.
The State Treasury’s reformed organisation consists of five main departments and two departments providing support functions. In addition, the units of Communications and Internal Audit will operate under the Director General.
The new departments are:
- Compensations
- Loans and Guarantees
- Economy and Working Life
- Government Grants
- Debt Management
- Administration
- Technology
The reform responds to central government’s productivity requirements by streamlining State Treasury’s operations and management. Two functions, Communications and IT Management, will be centralised in the new organsation. The number of staff and management will gradually decrease.
The services provided by the State Treasury and its cooperation with customers, partners and stakeholders will remain unchanged in the new organisation.
“Managing the central government’s assets and liabilities with knowledge, competence and efficiency is at the core of State Treasury. Everything we do must support this in the best possible way,” says Director General Liisa Räsänen.
The organisational reform will also change the composition of the State Treasury management group. As of 1 January 2025, the members of the management group will be:
Liisa Räsänen, Director General
Sanna Esterinen, Head of Department, Compensations
Sanna Pälsi, Head of Department, Loans and Guarantees
Lasse Skog, Head of Department, Economy and Working Life
Mari Näätsaari, Head of Department, Government Grants
Anu Sammallahti, Head of Department, Debt Management
Mikko Kangaspunta, Head of Department, Administration
Tomi Poikola, Head of Department, Technology
Hanna Koskinen, Director, Communications
Ari Kauhanen, Project Manager, Staff Representative
Mia Lempinen, Administrative Assistant, Secretary of the Management Group
Liisa Räsänen
Tel:0295 50 2200liisa.rasanen@valtiokonttori.fiValtiokonttorin viestintä | Statskontorets kommunikation
Tel:0295 50
The State Treasury carries out meaningful work for the benefit of the Finnish society. We are a reliable administrator of government finances and compensation services and a reformer of knowledge-based management. We serve central government, citizens, municipalities, communities and companies with knowledge and skills. Read more about us at
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